Windowkill 3.2.0b hotfix


Windowkill is a twin-stick shooter, but the game window itself is constantly closing in on you. Shoot the window edges to push it around your screen as you fight and dodge enemies and bosses in their own windows.

[quote]Note to linux users reporting stuttering, please try enabling the "limit fps" option, this seems to solve the issue for most users. [/quote] [h2]New Features[/h2] [list] [*] Added the menu music as a selectable music track in-game [*] Added a couple missing credits [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed aim angle getting stuck sometimes for some users [*] Fixed windows 3.1 theme enabled before unlocking [*] Fixed visual bug with blip unlock secret [*] Fixed text overflowing with relaunch tooltip in some languages [/list]