Weekly update #16

Deep, In the Forest

Game is a deck building roguelite card game with RPG elements. Save the forest kingdom from the oppression of the Mad King.

Greetings, the inhabitants of our little forest! This update focuses on the bugfix and balance of the game. The balance of progression of complexity has undergone very strong changes. It is highly recommended that you start a new campaign. After the last update, I had to release a number of hotfixes. Their description will be included in this update. [h3]Changes in version 0.701.[/h3] [h3]Bugfix:[/h3] [olist] [*] Fixed a bug of the effect of stunning or causing damage by combo ability to an already defeated enemy. [*] Fixed a bug due to which the player sometimes could get 2 times more cards at the beginning of the turn. [*] Fixed a bug due to which the player’s turn automatically ended ahead of time when drawing new cards with an empty hand. [*] Fixed a bug leading to the crash of the game when playing several cards in a row very fast. [*] Fixed a bug of items affecting the maximum value of health points. Previously, they were allowed to restore health or completely lose it to 0. [*] Items that affect the maximum health no longer interact with the current health value. [*] Fixed map scrolling bug on region screen. [*] The description of the reaction trait until the enemy takes damage several times in a row is corrected. [*] Fixed a bug of the wrong threat level at the start of the first region, sometimes leading to foes having zero attack value. [*] Fixed a bug of the missing avatar of the baron of the west in the dialogue after defeating him. [*] Fixed a bug of the trait of foes to cause damage, depending on the remaining health of the foe. Previously, it caused damage depending on lost health, which led to unpleasant situations for players. Like sudden defeat. [*] Fixed layout for one of the routes in the western region. [*] Fixed a bug leading to blurry phrases of foes in battles. [/olist] [h3]Character development:[/h3] [olist] [*] Reduced penalty for rerolling a pool of cards for replacement on lvlup. Penalty reduced from 2 to 1. This increases the overall selection of cards from 6 to 10. [*] The amount of experience required to increase the level is increased. But the difference between the required amount of experience between levels is significantly reduced. In general, the level increase should occur less often at the beginning of the game, but more often in the middle and end game compared to the previous settings. [*] Removed the level cap of the hero. [*] Changed the number of bonus max HP for each level of the hero. Each new level gives a fixed value - 2 max. HP. In general, players will receive significantly less growth of max Hp from leveling up. [/olist] [h3]The battle:[/h3] [olist] [*] The distribution of foes in battles has been changed. In difficult battles, there are always 3 opponents. There are always 2 opponents in normal battles. [*] For casual game mode, the number of foes in battles will be 1 less than in normal mode. [*] The health gain of opponents, depending on the level of threat, is reduced by 30%. [*] Health and attack bonus for hard battles are 50% less than before. [*] The probability of activating enemy traits depending on the threat level is increased by 100% [*] All the barons and the King received +40 HP. [/olist] [h3]Cards:[/h3] [olist] [*] The cost of drawing a "Nope" card is reduced by 1. [*] Experience from the card “You never know best” increased from 5 to 10. [*] The “Legacy” card has been greatly reworked. Received gold reduced from 500 to 100. When played, you no longer get rid of the card, but convert it to energy. Energy cost increased from 0 to 1. [*] The cards "Exhaustion" and "Wound" have changed their effects. Now the “Wound” card can be played to get rid of it. “Wound” card energy cost increased from 0 to 1. [*] The number of initially unlocked cards is significantly increased. [*] The starting hand of the hero also changed. Now it contains cards of all types and features a variety of new mechanics. [/olist] [h3]Interface:[/h3] [olist] [*] Added information about the current energy income in the character section on the region’s screen. [*] A tooltip of key words has been added for a new unlocked card in the dialog after winning a battle. [*] Updated description of foes traits in the tutorial. [/olist] [h3]What to expect in the following weekly updates:[/h3] [olist] [*] Global improvement of interfaces in the game. [*] The end of the game. [*] Continuing the balancing of the game. [/olist]