We Brought You An Update Which Brought You An Update Which...

Dota Underlords

Hire a crew and destroy your rivals in this new strategy battler set in the world of Dota. Introducing Season One: Explore White Spire and earn rewards on the Battle Pass. Pick from several different game modes, play on your own or with friends, and take advantage of crossplay on PC and mobile.

[h1]GENERAL[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed an issue with Early Bird display of Board Spray rewards. [*]Fixed an issue with Io's 3 Star Effect sometimes triggering when it shouldn't. [*]Fixed some 3 Star Effects being purgeable when they shouldn't be. [*]Fixed a longstanding interaction issue between Aegis and Io's Relocate which could lead to two revived copies of a Hero existing at once. Now Io will only consider selecting an Aegis-carrying Hero for Relocate if that Hero has already died its second time (i.e. been revived by Aegis and killed again). [*]Fixed Axe's Counter-Helix killing Spiderlings even when they are invulnerable due to Broodmother's 3 Star Effect. [/list] [h1]HERO CHANGES[/h1] [b]Abaddon:[/b] [list] [*]3 Star Effect: Abaddon gains the ability to apply the Curse of Avernus to enemies he attacks. Once Abaddon has attacked the same enemy unit 3 times in a row that unit becomes silenced for 2 seconds and Abaddon gains +30 Attack Speed against it. The bonus is lost if Abaddon changes targets. [/list] [b]Arc Warden:[/b] [list] [*][b]Tempest Double:[/b] [list] [*]3 Star Effect: Clones now clone items. [/list] [/list] [b]Drow Ranger:[/b] [list] [*]3 Star Effect: Drow Ranger's arrows become Frost Arrows. These arrows slow a hit unit's movement by 50% and its Attack Speed by 20. The effect lingers for 2 seconds. [/list]