Magically Invulnerable Hotfix + Lord Reward

[h1]FIXES[/h1] [list] [*]Alchemist is now properly magic immune during all of Chemical Rage. [*]Fixed Necronomicon Brill Bruiser increasing Demon damage. [*]Fixed Shaman alliance creatures not spawning near the highest-star-level Shaman. [*]Fixed Shaman alliance creatures not being targeted by some abilities. [*]Fixed an issue where the Early Bird challenge that now involves Shamans wasn't tracking progress. [*]Fixed an issue where Tomato and Potato didn't get enough bonus damage. [/list] [i]Lords of White Spire, you should now have your reward! If you don't get a popup, check out the Wanted Poster Titles screen in Loadout to see the new title.[/i]