[b]Legion Commander:[/b]
[*]3 Star Effect: Allies within attack range of Legion Commander's Duel target will attack that target along with her during the Duel.
[*]3 Star Effect: Lifestealer gains Rage. On cast Lifestealer becomes Magic Immune and gains +50% Move Speed and +50 Attack Speed. The effects last for 5 seconds.
[*]Maximum Mana changed from 0 to 75
[*]3 Star Effect: Ol' Scatterblast also reduces enemy armor by 5 for the duration of the debuff.
[*][b]Ol' Scatterblast:[/b]
[*]Debuff duration changed from [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] to [1.0, 2.0, 4.0]
[*]Debuff Attack Speed loss changed from [15, 20, 25] to [10, 15, 20]
[b]Storm Spirit:[/b]
[*]3 Star Effect: Storm gains Overload. Casting a spell creates an electrical charge which is released in a burst on Storm's next attack, dealing 150 magical damage and slowing the target's Attack Speed by 50 for 1.5 seconds. A Triangular Attack by Storm counts as an attack, in which case all units Storm hits in the Attack take the damage and are slowed.