Wall and Ceiling Techs + Shiny Costumes for Kickstarter Backers

Smack Studio

A sandbox fighting game with built-in creation tools to create characters and stages. Animate pixel art characters using our 3D pixel art rotation technology, then battle with up to 8 players! Use our tools to export sprites for your own projects.

This update adds [b]wall and ceiling techs[/b]! (no new animations are used for these actions, so you don't need to update any existing characters.) To perform a tech, press the shield button right when you collide with a wall after being launched. This build also [b]reduces the size of the project by nearly half[/b] to give faster download speeds and take up less space, and we've fixed a huge number of bugs- see the full list below! For folks with [b]Nvidia RTX 3080+ graphics cards, the flickering bug we've seen in the past is almost completely fixed[/b] (for most of your characters, flickering will not be visible. We're still working on the final remaining issues.) And last but not least, we've added the [b]shiny costume promised for $100+ Kickstarter backers[/b], usable on any character! Thank you again for your support! 🙏🏻 Behold the elusive [i]shiny Granite[/i]: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41182060/564a7df9b601c4096577f7d8e366f7f623ea96db.png[/img] Other changes: [b]Battle bug fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Grab hitboxes can interact with projectiles [*] Healing players can go below 0% [*] Raised top killzone on Dash City [*] Platform disappears while standing on it in The Editor -> grab doesn't end, and players fall to their death (hilarious, but not good) [*] Effect layers are visible when respawning, leading to weird visual issues [/list] [b]Character editor bug fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Scale setting didn't save in the sprite window [*] Shift doesn't work as the run/walk key for keyboard users in the editor [*] Crash: create multiple views in the animation rig details pane, don't bind the first view, then open the 3D Settings tab [*] Single click import can remove a pixel on the right side in some cases this happens when the sprite is an odd width, not even) [*] Avoid snapping incorrectly to back side of each view when using the "Auto" setting in the Rig Layer Configuration tab [*] Rebinding sprite can override previous bind rotation (if you had rotated the bone to a specific angle when binding, but then changed the rotation afterward, the original rotation was lost when rebinding) [*] Pasting animation rig frame into non-animation rig timeline creates a new timeline (max should be 1) [*] Pressing Default Depth button can cause a crash [*] Animation rig sprites looked slightly darker in the editor due to a material property (although there is no actual change in the color data when exporting) [/list] [b]General improvements:[/b] [list] [*] Changed animation names in editor to make sense to more players (for example, "Running A" is now listed as "Dash Attack") [*] Fixed visual issues with overlapping player pawns (z ordering) [*] Lowered volume on some standard hit sounds that were overpowering compared to other sounds [/list]