Custom Sounds + New Selection Tool

This week's update includes the ability to add custom sound effects- and we're excited to see what the community can do with them! 🎤 We will be adding voicelines for the base roster in the coming weeks, after auditions are complete for selecting our voice actors. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41182060/a9d416bbf520d48b24e4342c6d43bb1ab04a4c28.png[/img] In addition to custom sounds, we've added a new sprite selection tool- so you can select a region of pixels, drag it, and copy it between layers. We have some addition tools coming soon to make it easier than ever to edit your sprites directly in game! ✏️ Full list of changes: [b]Custom sounds effects:[/b] [list] [*] You can now add custom sound effects to your characters (there's an option to "Import Custom" from the Add Sounds pane on the right side) [*] Added a new action: "Play Sound From List" - allows adding up to five sounds, and it will pick one at random [/list] [b]New Sprite Selection tool:[/b] [list] [*] The new tool is available anywhere that you can draw sprites (animation rigs and the main animation timeline) [*] With the Selection tool selected, use the mouse to select a region of sprites [*] Once selected, click the region to drag it around [*] Pressing delete will delete just the selected area [*] Ctrl+A selects the entire canvas [*] Ctrl+C copies a selected region, and Ctrl+V pastes it (so you can copy content between animations and animation rig layers) [*] Importing a sprite places it in a selection automatically so that you can drag it without impacting other sprites on the frame [/list] [b]Changes to the Import Sprites pane:[/b] [list] [*] Added a new option to "Clear existing" - if false, the added sprite won't override the existing sprites on the frame, so you can assemble multiple sprites without needing an external editor [*] Replaced the "Keep window open" button with a pushpin visual icon in the top left corner [*] All settings are now saved when you close the window so that you don't need to select them again next time [/list] [b]Character editor - small visual changes:[/b] [list] [*] New outline button for animation rig timelines [*] Added a warning before importing a sprite if no animation rig layer is selected [/list] [b]Bug fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Audio muted while the app is running was the background (it now continues playing) [*] Deselecting hitboxes can cause a rare crash [*] "Failed to download workshop characters" error is triggered on launching the game when player has 0 workshop characters [*] Set Random Value can't set the max value if it's an Integer variable [*] Undo in the animation rig details pane can cause sprites on unselected layers to revert incorrectly [*] After undoing a bind operation in the animation rig details pane, redoing doesn't always work [/list]