New Stage: Snow Fields + Performance Options and Bug Fixes

We've added a new stage: Snow Fields! ❄️ It features a slippery icy floor to give you a new way to play. We've also added a new option for players on lower-end PCs: you can now disable full 3D backgrounds and replace them with a 2D screenshot to save on performance! We care a huge amount about the feedback we get from players, and we know that performance has been a struggle for some. We hope that this helps! 🙂 Other changes: [b]Small enhancements:[/b] [list] [*] Added match time limit option [*] Improved Low Quality performance by removing some unneeded visual effects like bloom [*] Reorganized the Settings menu into categories [*] Added option in Editor Preferences: "backspace works as delete" [/list] [b]Bug Fixes - Character editor :[/b] [list] [*] Can't select views when binding bones [*] Crash due to null preview image when uploading character to Steam Workshop (the menu now prevents continuing with a null image) [*] Crash due to null reference when refreshing timelines: ":UpdateAnimationTimelineVisuals" [*] Crash seen when transitioning to/from test play: "GetUpdatedComputeShaderDataStructs" [*] Crash when using fill tool outside bounds: "PerformFillRecursive" [*] Eyedropper tool can become unusable after clicking on an empty space (still unsure how this gets triggered) [*] Fixed typo in Canvas settings tool tip [*] The "Hide Floor" setting is lost when switching the camera mode [*] If overriding canvas settings, canvas offset isn't shown correctly during hitstun (can cause player to appear offset into the ground, etc) [*] Interpolation doesn't work on canvas settings if an animation rig isn't present in the animation [/list] [b]Bug Fixes - Battle:[/b] [list] [*] Hitstun translates over when a player is grabbed (causing them to escape the grab when the hitstun ends) [*] Moves can cancel into themselves when the "Allow Cancel Into Other Attacks" flag is set (from Erans- qucik fix) [/list]