Greetings Overseers!
We have a patch of several bug fixes for you here today. Please note below
- Fix a bug with promoting other players to corporation leader
- Allow players to rename their corporations by clicking the name field in the "P" menu and editing it
-Nerf drilling damage versus buildings by 2/3
-Buff pipeline armor from 50% to 90%
- Significantly increase damage from rockets vs animals and bots
- Fix a bug with the "AOE" damage of rockets not always applying
- Fix an issue when player relogs or reloads a savegame when riding a vehicle, the player should now properly control the vehicle again
- If a player "endlessly falls" through the unstuck teleport, the 3rd attempt will kill the player and teleport their corpse to their home location
- Hopefully fix a bug allowing players to glitch through doors
- Fix a bug where drop pod check wasnt firing on player connection, and fix drop pod contents
- Fix the PvP Droppod reward when killing an enemy player so that it doesn't cover their corpse
- Fix conquest "objectives" to show proper keybind to bring up Social menu with conquest leaderboard
- Make it clear which Player/Corp is responsible for destroying your bots/buildings with explosive and projectile damage
- Make "building and bot ownership" transmit more quickly upon connecting to server
- Fix a bug where you would see subtitles in center screen for AI outside hearing range - all subtitles for AI VO should now be on their chat bubble
- Fix a bug in Multiplayer where weapon wasn't visible until re-equipping it, and on other players until they re-equipped