Version 0.9.9590

Greetings Overseers! We have a couple of bug fixes and balance tweaks here today, as follows [h1]PATCH NOTES[/h1] [list] [*] Add "join our discord" button to main menu [*] Update our major version to 0.9 [*] Make esc not hide objectives when pressed, just stop VO [*] Fix ammo scrapper dupe bug - No more scrapping ammo and consumables [*] Update to conquest UI and objectives. Move Conquest UI to social menu. Updates to some text and UI layouts to make it clearer what's going on. Add "objectives" to conquest colony so player generally knows what to try and do. [*] Fix for a possible bug with animal loot, and a balance bug allowing high level rare drops from level 1 animals [*] Fix some "use" inconsistencies allowing players to stay connected to energy rocks and crafting stations [*] Add a harvesting Popup when harvesting animal, which also informs player about harvesting when inventory is full [*] Various server side and single player optimizations [*] Fix AI unable to access non-storage structures to find [*] Add "JoinCorp" cheat which will directly join player to a corporation [*] Increase T2 and T3 rocket launcher base damage by a lot but reduce their stack counts [*] Make animal damage depend on LOS check. Reduce animal damage vs structures by a further 67% [*] Animals have an easier time hitting you while kiting, fix mauler charge to properly damage [*] Fix a bug with other UE4 survival game inis clobbering ours causing keybinds to break [*] Increase C4 weapon radius and damage [*] "Special" pirates now only appear once every 4 raids with Pirate Captains, and there will be max 1 "special" pirate per raid [*] Make pirate captain a bit larger and more menacing [*] AI Crafting behavior improvements - cycle through aborted crafting tasks faster instead of wandering in between each one by skipping tasks that can't be accomplished. Announce when they abort task for better player-side debugging. [*] Fix a bug resulting in too many Pirate Builders [*] Fix a bug with weapon equips not working on the first try when dragged from another inventory [*] Fix a bug with picking up weapons dropped on the ground [*] Fix anonymous user data sending [*] Weapon pickups no longer show incongruous ammo counts in notification popups [*] Fix control buildings cheat to also control AI bots [*] Fix a bug allowing AI to go outside their task zone to retrieve items [*] Fix Desperate low power AI cancelling charging stations! [*] Pirate compass warning will always be large instead of fading into distance [*] Fix a bug that caused compass points to duplicate and overwhelm the UI [*] Update AI combat state combat so it doesn't result in "confused". [*] Update AI recharge state so consuming energy pack doesn't result in "confused". [*] Pirates can only unstuck "upwards" [*] Add occasional job switch to AI crafters, ensure they don't get laser focused on just one job [/list]