Patch version 1.0.10099

Greetings Overseers, We apologize for the long delay on this patch - holidays, vacations, and sicknesses piled up and we wanted to make sure everything was solid before it was released. We have a bunch of bug fixes for you today, most notable the TOD cycle fixes for the primary servers and various performance fixes. We will be continuing to hammer on performance over the next several weeks, especially on servers with large bases. Patch notes below [list] [*] Fix time of day cycle and make speed configurable in DefaultGame.ini [Game/Blueprints/Environment/BP_Sky_Sphere_Advanced.BP_Sky_Sphere_Advanced_C] TODCycleSpeed=30.0f [*] Cleanup all dropped items after 10 minutes, and all orphaned items [*] Make bots haul from planters [*] Fix doubled up UI interacts when placing certain structures [*] Fix issues with dropping items after picking them up, and generally speaking with items that lack collision or get attached to player [*] Fix a bug with possible visual duplication of inventory items when failing a transfer/failure to remove from inventory when dropping [*] Save locked slots on AI minions [*] Big performance improvement in large bases [*] Fix inventory not updating on player when mounted [*] Fix inventory issues when mounting/dismounting from vehicle [*] Make sure all item filters are present on storage containers and alphabetized with better "generic" and name/hierarchy fixups [*] Dropship HP to 5k [*] Disallow storage filters and AI usage from being modified on enemy pipes [*] AI will Haul from miners/harvesters/extractors at stacks of 10, not 100 [*] Perf improvement for complex power systems [*] Update various item rarities and fix some generic names [*] Try to fix hotbar mixup on players when relogging [*] Fix electrified floor visuals when powered off [*] Fix corner foundation stacking and snapping [*] Re-add weakened version of volcano as a global event on regular sandbox game modes to make sure structures deteriorate regularly [*] Fix for timed server restart set via ini files [*] Show a preview of what a harvester/extractor/miner resource type will be before placing, and make it easier to place extractors against petroleum [*] UI optimizations for structure and interact widgets [*] Make switches bigger so they can be seen through T2/T3 walls [*] Change switch UI offset so its visible when looking at it [/list]