EA Patch #19: Major patch incoming!

Greetings Overseers! We have been hard at work on a larger content patch over the past 6 weeks. It is in testing now and should be released within the next 24 hours. Here are some of the new features you can look forward to [list] [*] Upgrade weapons with permanent enhancements [*] A new scanning system and codex with unlockable entries [*] A beta version of our Conquest mode [*] Revamped weapons, now projectile based [/list] See the full list of patch notes below. [h1]CONQUEST[/h1] [list] [*] Add a beta version of conquest game mode. Gaiyacite will begin spawning after a warmup period, and unlock the following Win conditions [*] Pyrrhic Victory - Build and fully charge a volcano bomb in the mouth of the volcano [*] Economic Victory - Consolidate a certain amount of Gaiyacite in your storage [*] Technology Victory - Build and charge tech scanners on active alien artifacts [*] Revolution Victory - Build and charge a launch pad to launch a satellite that frees all bots from corporate control [*] New Structures - Volcano bomb, Tech Scanner, Launch Pad [*] Conquest mode will be available for testing in SP and private servers but will not yet be active on official servers. Use Game=Conquest on commandline [/list] [h1]UI[/h1] [list] [*] Expanded the map to add tabs with a bunch of new info [*] New "Corporation" menu - contains manifest, and various other corporate info (Work in progress) [*] New "Character" menu - contains XP progression with full progression tiers (Work in progress) [*] New "Codex" menu - contains unlockable entries that expand on various items and gameplay features, as well as some story and lore elements (Work in progress) [*] Rework the compass to be linear instead of semi-circular, with a clearer delineation of important waypoints along the bottom [*] Interact widgets will no longer "expand" until you mouse over the object, and will fade out over distance to reduce screen clutter [*] Also fixes bugs where interact widgets clutter the screen when riding a vehicle [*] Inventory icon coloring will now correspond to a "quality" level as opposed to item class. Grey for common, Green for uncommon, blue for rare, Purple for Epic [*] Build structures list is no longer sorted alphabetically, instead sorted by how common the item is used [/list] [h1]GAMEPLAY[/h1] [list] [*] All weapons except railgun and shotgun are now "projectile based", meaning the shots have travel times and tracers can be observed [*] Rebalanced all weapons to make them feel distinctive [*] Added a new type of consumable item which can permanently enhance weapons and armor [*] Rebalanced animal loot around drops which can be used to create weapon enhancements [*] Added "hunting" stat that can be increased by leveling up the "explorer" tree, and [*] Added a new "Scan" ability (Default hotkey: I) for most items in the game. Scanning something for the first time will grant a small amount of XP, an explanatory VO snippet, and a new Codex entry [*] Heavily buff the wind turbine generator, so it generates more power at lower elevations [*] Add some sounds that play when gaining XP, and a better "Level up" notice messag [*] Inflow and Outflow pipes can now connect from a pipeline, to ANY object that has storage, allowing you to automate things like generator filling and scrapping [*] Pirates now give "pirate XP" when killed instead of Soldier and Corp XP. [*] New structure: Science lab. Place samples collected from Gaiya and return later for some XP reward [*] New structure: Biology lab. Use material gained from hunting animals to create permanent weapon and armor enhancements [/list] [h1]BUGS[/h1] [list] [*] Fix an issue that may have been causing some character and animal Jittering [*] Fix the randomized server-generated wind direction/intensity and associated sound [*] Fix some generator power radius issues [*] Fixed the persistent issue with pirate weapons never going away and cluttering the ground [*] Fixed an AI bug with haulers that caused them to freeze up, they should be better at hauling now [/list] Over the next few weeks, we will primarily be working on [list] [*] Bug fixes, especially AI bugs [*] Pipeline usability rework [*] Performance issues [*] New revamped progression system, spending XP points in a skill tree instead of automatic unlocks [/list]