EA Patch #24: Dropships, Pirate Bases, and AutoCrafters!

[img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/013/361/404/large/outpost-zero-outpostzero-leftbehind.jpg?1539242109[/img] Greetings Overseers! We have a major patch for you today! Of note, we have implemented several major new features - Pirate Bases, Dropships, and AutoCrafters! Pirate Bases: The pirates are fed up with corporate control of the planet and have started to develop a foothold of their own! Find the bases in the world, destroy their defense turrets, decommission their pirate workers and then loot the spoils for yourself! Dropships: Build these new huge VTOL flying machines at a T3 vehicle pad! Dropships can hold up to 4 of your buddies for fun raiding missions, and fire T1 rockets at a limited range! AutoCrafters: For those who don't want to depend on the whimsy of hapless minions, unlock an AutoCrafter with your Advanced Crafting skill, and place them on Machine Shops and Materials Processors. AutoCrafters will automatically craft from their own inventory just like a bot, but without the annoying jibber jabber. You can even pipe in and out of their inventories to move items around and truly automate your production facilities. See a full patch list below. [h1]UI[/h1] [list] [*] Play a warning sound when displaying warning text [*] Fix a bug that caused minion stats not to display correctly in the UI [*] Fix for a "double interact" UI that can popup when you finish building something [*] Make sure the tooltip always disappears when you close your inventory [*] Fix for some inconsistencies with scanning when playing multiplayer [*] POIs on the compass and map will now have better icons displaying what the thing is [*] Better description for multitool to indicate that it is useful for crafting [*] Fix vehicle damage popups which weren't previously displaying [*] Better info on who/what killed a player or bot (death by power loss is now "Power Loss" instead of "Gaiya", death by falling is "Gravity") [*] Fix for some interact inconsistencies that required players to tap "USE" several times to open something [*] ESC will now properly cancel all VO and messages including scanning messages. [*] Hitting ESC 3x will still prompt to cancel tutorial, but if the player refuses will not prompt again until 6 more hits [*] Eliminate "double notification" of player death [/list] [h1]AI[/h1] [list] [*] NEW: Added randomly generated pirate bases. Pirate bases will spawn in the world and pirate builders will inhabit them and begin to build and upgrade them [*] NEW: Add "auto loot dead bodies" behavior to AI in patrol and following modes. Patrol bots will also drop off their loot at pipelines or storage in range. [*] Stop AI from spinning and facing an invalid location in between moves and targeting [*] Add new aggression stances for minions - aggressive to bots and aggressive to animals. Both these settings will be defensive by default but will attack the specified target on sight [*] Pirates will now be aggressive to bots by default so they are less likely to be sidetracked by animals when raiding your base [*] Pirates will now properly attack structures that they are set to raid [*] Animals corpses will now expire after 5 min if not looted [*] Fix for minion "unstuck" behavior [*] Fix animals that get stuck on rocks and such and then "rubberband" on the server [*] Fix a bug causing pirates not to deliver their VO lines in combat [*] Fix a bug causing pirates not to drop loot if killed by turrets [*] Make loot drops more consistent between pirates and animals based on level, sharing a global rare loot table [*] Fix biggs death animation, better stomp FX, reduce stomp damage so it doesn't quite 1-shot newbies [*] All animals now do less damage to structures [*] Fix nightstalker running animation so it looks correct [*] Greatly reduce AI handy welding and impact sounds so a large factory floor doesn't sound like such a cacophony [/list] [h1]STRUCTURES[/h1] [list] [*] NEW: Autocrafter that can be piped to/from and will craft from its inventory like a bot. Can only be placed on Machine Shops and Material Processors. [*] NEW: Proximity switch that toggles when an enemy bot is sensed nearby [*] NEW: Timer switch that toggles on/off on a set timer [*] NEW: Alarm that plays a sound and shows a warning light when turned on [*] NEW: Added new "drop shield" structure that can be placed from your hotbar in enemy territory. Drop shields only last a short time and can be used as cover. [*] Fix a bug with large foundation support. Fix snapping of large foundations. Large foundations can now be placed much "higher" from the terrain. [*] Turrets now all fire projectiles which can be dodged at longer distances [*] Fix a bug with pipe and connecting pipe collision, should now match visuals much better [*] Change base shield visuals to look cooler [*] Change territory claimer visuals to look cooler and also fix "disappearing" tiers [*] Better science lab description to show what can actually be researched there, and fixed science lab visuals [*] Structure upgrades now unlock with the specific skill, instead of with a global "upgrades" skill (i.e. upgrade Power Systems to unlock higher Steam Generator tiers) [*] Structures that don't require unlock can be upgraded by improving the "craftsman" skill [*] Fix "stackable" large ceiling [*] Enemy players can no longer access friendly structures except to loot their inventory. [*] Nuclear generators will no longer block wall placement around them [*] Pipelines will now enforce a one-stack per item type limit, so that an entire T3 pipe can't be clogged by one resource type. Autocrafter has the same ability so it can't be filled with materials leaving no space for crafting results. [/list] [h1]GAMEPLAY[/h1] [list] [*] NEW: Add Pirate Jetbiker and Mind Controlled animals to pirate raids at higher levels. [*] NEW: Added a VTOL dropship to the game that can carry up to 4 teammates and fire rockets [*] NEW: Handy now has unlockable levels. Base handy stats are buffed, but handy will now "overheat" after being used for too long without a break [*] NEW: Added a bunch of "accessory" items that can be equipped in the offhand as stats boosts. Accessories can only be found as rare loot from pirates and animals. [*] Make it so "dropped items" reflects the actual visuals of the thing that dropped it. [*] Vehicles now dismount with Q [*] Vehicles will now do a small "jump" with space, and space will make the dropship ascend, crouch will descend [*] Vehicles now strafe with A/D by default instead of turning when driving [*] Vehicles should now drive more stably with less rubber banding on a server [*] Reduce all vehicle costs by about 50% [*] Fix handy welding sound so that it no longer "cuts out" [*] Performance improvements on server [*] Fixed a bug that would cause ammo counts to desync on an equipped weapon when looted [*] Fix a bug with viewing player inventory when riding a vehicle [*] Audio pass to make distance explosions and gunshots more audible [*] Fix a crash on the server search menu [*] SMG Tier 3 now uses 7.62 ammo [*] Fix a bug causing armor to be invisible on respawn [*] Fix a bug causing max rogue level not to work properly with pirates [*] Time of Day will now be saved in an SP game (will not reset to 10am upon restart) [*] Added tutorial objectives for unlocking the players first skill [*] Added "/cheat theonecheattorulethemall" which gives players a big stack of each resource, weapon, ammo, armor, base stats and etc [*] Left click will now throw grenades and C4 instead of having to right-click + left-click to throw them [*] Make sure all higher tier weapons have distinct visuals [*] All weapons now do more damage across the board, bringing T1 and T3 weapons closer in terms of overall damage. Slightly increase animal HPs from mid->high level ranges to compensate for this. [/list]