Version 0.4.0 - New, streamlined minimal UI! Plus, pooled party gold!

Gorgon Shield

Gather your party of expendable heroes. Climb a vast tower atop a shiny shield. Who will fight? Who will heal? Who will laze around and take all the treasure? The choices will be yours alone, but only those who work together will be powerful enough to face Medusa at the top of the GORGON SHIELD.

Greetings, mighty heroes! Welcome to patch 0.4.0 of the demo. Check it out, I'd love your feedback on the game so far! Cheers, Oliver Joyce Whiskeybarrel Studios [b]V Patch Notes[/b] [list] [*] New optional Battle UI options to choose from at the Graphics settings panel. You can now select a 'minimal' panel that shows a compact, minimal panel over your characters and hides the large panel at the top. You can even select both at the same time! [*] Gold is now POOLED between the whole party. No longer counting individual gold tallies means you can choose any hero to buy items while you are at shops. [*] Switched Green and Red hero positions around so green hero is first selected. [*] Fixed a bug where runes were destroyed when removed from the shield [*] Character grid now shows heroes in columns of 3 rather than 4 (to match the fact there are 9 total) [*] Improved texture on shield pylon and brightness on Shield damage texture [*] Fixed a bug where the tower tutorial could be reactivated accidentally from the Select Tower Level menu [*] Defeating bosses now grants the party bonus gold [*] Increased base melee damage of all characters [/list]