The DEMO for Gorgon Shield is here!

Gorgon Shield

Gather your party of expendable heroes. Climb a vast tower atop a shiny shield. Who will fight? Who will heal? Who will laze around and take all the treasure? The choices will be yours alone, but only those who work together will be powerful enough to face Medusa at the top of the GORGON SHIELD.

Greetings, mighty heroes! If you read nothing else in this post, know that [b]RIGHT NOW[/b] you can download the [b]DEMO[/b] for [i]Gorgon Shield[/i] from the Steam Page! Today with great excitement and trepidation I pushed the [i]Release My App[/i] button in Steamworks and unleashed the demo for the game upon the world. Funny enough though, I can't even say it's been a long journey. Gorgon Shield's development started in May, and the demo is now ready after roughly six months. With a release date of tentatively mid 2024, I can safely I'm over halfway though the game's development, and what better time to share it with the world than right now. I can't wait to see what you think of the game. Here's a few notes for you guys! [u][b]What's in the demo for Gorgon Shield?[/b][/u] So, this demo build is a pretty fair representation of what you'll see in the final version. [list] [*]You can choose 3 of the 9 heroes ( start with one, and then unlock the other two as you go [*]Two of the five buildings are available ( wagon and tavern) at present [*]Only a few of the market stall items are available right now [*]I am planning on adding the FORGE to the demo next week, I just ran out of time for this! [*]You can adventure all the way up to Tower Level 30 - the third tower boss awaits there [*]Four of a proposed X tower shop scenarios are in the game - there will be a LOT more of these [*]The 'snakes and ladders' level events are in the game [/list] [u][b]What's STILL TO COME for Gorgon Shield?[/b][/u] [list] [*]The Labyrinth levels - I've started on these ( Imagine a top down [i]Gauntlet 2[/i] style dungeon crawler), but there's a lot more work needed [*]The Rampart levels - side scrolling auto-battler with your heroes. Yet to start work on these [*]More minigame levels (like the Snakes and Ladders one) are planned. These take 3-4 days to build each so I should be able to get a bunch more of these done [*]Engraving runes on the shield is *mostly* working and that should be part of the demo soon, the rest will be in the Full Version launch next year [*]The endless pit and dungeon modes will be part of the full version [*]A lot more boss monsters and minions still to come - I've created 3 of the 10 proposed bosses so far[/list] So, please check out this demo and be sure to [b]WISHLIST i[/b]t if you enjoy it. My wishlist numbers are really low right now, I'm not going to lie - I really need your help or this game might sink like a broken shield to the bottomless abyss beneath the tower! Finally - there's also a FEEDBACK button on the game, so if you have anything you want to share with me, fill out that form - it'd be super useful to me to improve the game. Without further ado, good luck on your quest to defeat Medusa's minions! Cheers, Oliver Joyce Whiskeybarrel Studios