v0.8 - Enter The Labyrinth!

Gorgon Shield

Gather your party of expendable heroes. Climb a vast tower atop a shiny shield. Who will fight? Who will heal? Who will laze around and take all the treasure? The choices will be yours alone, but only those who work together will be powerful enough to face Medusa at the top of the GORGON SHIELD.

Greetings, mighty heroes! With the [b]Steam Next Fest [/b]just around the corner, version 0.8 is a timely patch indeed. [b]Gorgon Shield[/b] is pretty close to completion, scheduled to launch in late July - so with all features in the game, now is the time for balancing, polishing and bugfixing. This new v0.8 represents a lot of that, with the first of a number of minor patches coming in the weeks ahead as I further refine the game. The most notable update in this patch ? Labyrinths are now no longer optional, and occur every 9th level of the game - meaning you must navigate your way through them before you reach the boss. The savvy hero will use their time in the labyrinth to heal up, maybe gain in power and grab a few new loot items! Also in this patch, shops now have individual shopkeeper portraits so you can make strategic decisions on which shop might best serve your needs. Over time you'll familiar yourself with what service each shopkeeper offers. Perhaps you need healing? Visit the muse. Or a shiny new weapon - visit the Corinthian. The full version of course has a lot more shops and scenarios, but the demo should give you a fair taste of what's in store. There is a lot more to explore in this patch, but one thing I want to note : [i]Some users have been experiencing a crash on load.[/i] This apparently has something to do with the Vulkan graphics drivers ( so if you update your graphics drivers to the latest, it *should* solve it, but please let me know in the comments how you get on!) Also, on first load, there is still a bit of game stutter while it caches all the particles/shaders etc. Repeat plays won't suffer from this, but I'm also working on a solution ( actually waiting on the next version of Godot , 4.4, which has a shader cache solution that is *exactly* what I need!) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new patch of the game and best of luck on your quest to defeat Medusa! [u][b]Full patch notes for v[/b][/u] [list] [*] All character classes now have their own special bonuses. Barbarians get double melee damage every fourth hit, etc [*] Each character colour also gains a melee damage bonus when fighting against monsters of the same type. [*] Labyrinths are no longer part of the doorway option system. Instead, every 9th level of the Tower will be a Labyrinth that must be navigated in order to reach the boss. Use these wisely to heal your heroes and repair the shield before boss fights! [*] Changed the visuals in labyrinths to make them darker and more torchlight to add atmosphere [*] Mini character stat panels now appear on the pause game settings menu (when in the tower) [*] Shops now have individual names and portraits, so you can choose which you want to visit. Maybe the armourer, or the muse, etc. [*] Added Prisons into the game (full version). Here you can rescue trapped prisoners who may join your party. [*] Added Mystery rooms into the game. These lead to either a shop, prison, etc. You never know where! [*] Reintroduced Level Quests into the game. These happen on levels 3 and 6 of each Tower level and are optional for a reward. [*] Added Warp Mirrors into the game - rewards for Level Quests. Hold SPACE to use them once you receive one. [*] Added extra information to hero mini panels displaying how much damage, healing, etc you do when on a particular platform [*] Party rankings are now shown on level up screen [*] All shop scenarios are now in the game ( full version only) [*] Proper implementation of Traditional Chinese language support [*] Added Korean language support [*] Improved Chinese and Japanese language [*] Fixed a bug where the final demo boss wouldn't use their special power [*] A number of other bugfixes and bits of balance/polish [/list]