V 0.7.0 - The Endlessly Replayable Patch!

Gorgon Shield

Gather your party of expendable heroes. Climb a vast tower atop a shiny shield. Who will fight? Who will heal? Who will laze around and take all the treasure? The choices will be yours alone, but only those who work together will be powerful enough to face Medusa at the top of the GORGON SHIELD.

Forget everything you thought you knew about [b]Gorgon Shield[/b]! ( Which admittedly wouldn't be much as not many you have played the demo yet. ). Everything changes in this major patch. Just in time for the big Steam Endlessly Replayable Festival, the new v0.7.0 update brings a ton of sweeping changes and improvements to the game. From the pacing of tower levels, to the displaying of stats, to UI improvements, this version of the game is very close in look at feel to what we'll see in the big July launch. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44221347/f8ac76509977d5682230aae44d76d639db00c8bd.gif[/img] With just a few months until launch, the game is very nearly complete. From here on in, its all about balancing, bugfixing, improving systems and of course adding in the remaining tower sections 'Ramparts', 'Arena' and 'Pipes'. Please hit me up with feedback about the game and be sure to wishlist it - I need all the numbers I can get at this stage! Cheers, Oliver Joyce Whiskeybarrel Studios [b]Full change list for v0.7.0[/b] [list] [*] Each level now lasts for 30 seconds, up from 20 [*] Hero Slot unlock levels have been changed to 8 (2 heroes) 16 (3 heroes) and 24 ( 4 heroes , not in demo ) [*] The Wizard is now available as soon as you unlock the second hero slot in the tower ( and appears again for the fourth slot ) [*] First hero is now FREE when you unlock the tavern [*] Completely redesigned the Forked Path screen to show the player useful information [*] Monster Cards now appear on each level to show you enemy monster stats [*] Level Up screen has been redesigned - power deck has been removed [*] Monsters now have different spawn rates and movement speeds [*] Removed LUCK, MELEE RADIUS and RANGED RADIUS as stats in the game. [*] Improved tutorial with guiding arrows and more information [*] Better randomization of Tower Forked Paths [*] Added Japanese Language Support [*] Improved visuals on Gorgon Shield's damage circle, lens flare layer, particles etc [*] Fixed a bug where ranged projectiles exploded before reaching their target [*] Fixed hit area on Tower button in Destinations Menu [*] Added animation tweens to many game panels [*] Heaps of other random things I've forgotten to document here in the patch notes! [/list]