V0.6.0 is live - Level Quests, Warp Mirrors and more!

Gorgon Shield

Gather your party of expendable heroes. Climb a vast tower atop a shiny shield. Who will fight? Who will heal? Who will laze around and take all the treasure? The choices will be yours alone, but only those who work together will be powerful enough to face Medusa at the top of the GORGON SHIELD.

Greetings, mighty heroes! Been a little while since the last update for [i]Gorgon Shield[/i], but the game is nearing completion. It's been nearly a year since I started work on this game - what I thought would be a 3-4 month journey has lasted nearly a year, and it's definitely not been without its challenges. For many reasons this has been one of the harder games I've worked on, design-wise, concept wise, external factors. Stepping out of the [i]Swords and Sandals[/i] bubble is always a challenge but I think to better myself as a game dev, its important to be able to build non S&S games - to keep my skills up and my mind sharp. A lot of good stuff in 0.6, including new Level Quests, Warp Mirrors (these are for the full version so you won't see them yet), Forked Paths, new monster patterns and a lot of other good stuff. Please check it out and let me know what you think here in the Steam forums. Cheers, Oliver Joyce Whiskeybarrel Studios [b]v[/b] [list] [*] Added in Chinese Language Support - thank you to new co-publisher [b]GamerSky Games[/b]. [*] User save game data has been reset and moved to a new save directory in prep for final launch, so any progress (as well as game settings) have been reset. Apologies for this! [*] Added in Level Quests! These appear after you defeat the first boss, and challenge you to complete tasks each level. Complete the tasks for special rewards like gold, loot, runes and even Warp Mirrors (full version only) [*] Added Warp Mirrors( will be in full version). Single use items that allow you to skip most elevator levels (not doorways/bosses). They disappear upon use [*] Added 44+ Achievements to the game ( full version only) [*] Finished all monster and boss sprites (full version only) [*] Finished all character classes (full version only) [*] Redesigned Tower Shoppe Screen so it is vertical now [*] Misc bugfixes and many other changes! [/list]