The Forge arrives in-game!

Gorgon Shield

Gather your party of expendable heroes. Climb a vast tower atop a shiny shield. Who will fight? Who will heal? Who will laze around and take all the treasure? The choices will be yours alone, but only those who work together will be powerful enough to face Medusa at the top of the GORGON SHIELD.

Hey adventurers! Version 0.3.5 of Gorgon Shield Demo has just gone up. I got some fantastic feedback from users via the in-game feedback form, so I wanted to thank you guys for that! I've been able to add a bunch of stuff to the game since the demo went up - the biggest addition being the [b]Forge,[/b] a new building you can unlock. All those runes you earned by beating up the Cyclopes and other bosses can be used at the Forge to upgrade the Gorgon Shield. There are only 3 available rune types in the demo but I'll be adding a lot more to the full game. You can almost treat the Gorgon Shield itself like an ultra powerful 'fifth' party member, as by the time you fully upgrade it , it's a power to behold. I've still got to tweak and balance the runes before full launch of course, but hopefully it's a nice update to the game. This will be the last bit of 'new content' for the Demo - all efforts now move to the full version and a 2024 release! Cheers, Oliver Joyce Whiskeybarrel Studios [b]V[/b] [list] [*] Added the FORGE into the demo - this is now available from the town. You can add runes to the shield here, as well as combine/sell them. [*] Standardized the progress timing for healing,repairs and treasure gain across all characters. Increasing Healing/Treasure stats etc will increase the Health you get back or Treasure gained when the blue progress bar fills up. [*] Switched physics engine over to Jolt [*] Potential fix for jitter on high refresh rate monitors 75hmz and above [*] Right clicking the mouse button now rotates the shield to the right [*] If all heroes die on the platform , but the platform survives until a doorway platform, the next shop they see will be the Muse who can resurrect them if they have enough gold [*] Fixed a bug where characters would stop attacking if their melee attack speed was too fast [*] Slightly reduced melee attack speed for all characters and enemies [/list]