Update 59 (Luhman 16)

Mech Engineer

A dark sci-fi mech assembling manager with semi-auto battles against mutating, alien bio-weapon.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38798271/0705344ddfd32742fabe77f96bbfedeb2353177f.png[/img] Hello! Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback. Here is the changelog for July 2023: [h3][b]I[/b]:\Interface[/h3] [list] [*] Buttons that you can interact with in the launch menu light up when you mouse over them [*] Added a tooltip popup for tutorial lever #2 in the launch menu [*] Tutorial popups and the base manual include mentions of the following: drawing paths for mechs and drill usage, the ability to disable weapons, and debuff effects to weapons while underwater [*] Additional damage from fire is visible when testing weapons [*] Updated the pilot phrase system for the latest AI changes so that they shout out more appropriate phrases [*] The medal placement system has been reworked, allowing you to place them anywhere on a pilot's card (they will stick to the frame automatically) [/list] [h3][b]B[/b]:\Balance[/h3] [list] [*]///[b]Buffs[/b] [*] When allocating stat points to weapons on the construction table, initial points given to both accuracy and reduced energy consumption now have greater effect, with diminishing returns kicking in as more points get allocated [*] Stat increase from a weapon's size will be calculated [i]before[/i] stat point allocation, meaning larger weapons will get better effects from allocated stat points [*] Toxin sprayer weapon damage increased from 2 to 3 [*] Thermal damage is reduced by 5% per point of armor instead of the damage amount being divided by a target's armor value e.g. 10 damage vs 10 armor will deal 5 damage because 10 x 5% = 50%; previously the calculation would be 10 thermal damage divided 10 armor = 1 damage dealt. This change increases the potential damage output against targets with low armor. [*] The weapon mod that adds fire will only reduce armor penetration and add weight [*]///[b]Nerfs[/b] [*] Toxin sprayers and plasma guns are less effective underwater after fixing the debuff to projectile lifetime while submerged [*] Reduced damage buff from weapon stat allocation by 9% [*] Reduced penetration buff from weapon stat allocation by 18% [*] Reduced rate of fire buff from weapon stat allocation by 18% [*] Each weapon mod now adds a percentage weight increase to the weapon (ranging from 10% to 30%) [*] Reduced rate of fire of toxin sprayer from 500 to 250 [*] increased the total number of engineers required for mech repair by 20% [*] Reduced bonus staff number growth per level of District 16 by 1 (engineers from 4 to 3 per level, scientists from 5 to 4 per level) [/list] [h3][b]E[/b]:\Engineering[/h3] [list] [*] Mechs placed in the testing chamber will use a maxed-out pilot's stats [*] "ROBOTIZATION" node added to Research, which adds 100 engineers but takes 20% of your city's energy [*] "CYBORGIZATION" node added to research, which adds the ability to transform your human pilots into cyborgs. Cyborgs are always ready to deploy and always have 75 in Reaction and the C.B.S. Test stats. Cyborgs are not affected by Stress and take half the damage human pilots do. Cyborgs can regenerate HP quickly without going to the hospital, and cure infections in one day. However, cyborgs cannot gain experience, levels or talents. [/list] [h3][b]H[/b]:\Hangar[/h3] [list] [*] Golden sword bosses will remain still, instead of performing random movements when neither the city nor red sword bosses are near it [*] Pilots will change their facial expression after selection from the pilot list if stress resistance is lower than 50 [/list] [h3][b]C[/b]:\Combat[/h3] [list] [*] Destruction within maps will persist across multiple encounters due to a new save system [*] Mechs are better at digging, walking and waiting thanks to changes to their AI [*] Mechs will turn toward the cursor if there are no enemies in sight [*] Ammo that is not being used by a mech in battle has been hidden from sight [*] The flight speed of an Operarius after an explosion depends on the explosion's damage [*] Operarius are less likely to get stuck on walls or clip into them [*] Set a new default priority target "Ovum" for your mechs in the slots near the "battle" button [*] Watch your six in cave maps - the darkness is much harder to see through [*] Artillery strikes reduce enemy armor and cause explosive damage [*] Select one mech at a time with the new default hotkey combination of Shift + 1, 2, 3 or 4. Alternatively, select all mechs at once by pressing 5. [/list] [h3][b]O[/b]:\Other_changes[/h3] [list] [*] The free will control slider should no longer mysteriously disappear during battle [*] Fixed a couple of issues related to selecting things when the mouse was pressed or released while off screen during battle [*] Textures will now clear when quitting during a battle in order to stop memory leakage caused by frequent saving and loading [*] Fixed pilot head bobbing when the mech is standing still or the game is paused [*] Fixed issue with pilot stats going over their limits and rolling over to much lower values [*] Added restriction on cooling the reactor so that the temperature cannot go infinitely negative [*] The text of a pilot's talent description should no longer end up hidden under a pilot's stats comparison [/list] If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the [b]oneversionback[/b] branch, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1428520/discussions/2/]leave a message in the forums[/url] or join the [url=https://discord.gg/TXJckyg5uD]Mech Engineer Discord[/url] to get support in the [b]#bugs[/b] channel.