Update 64 (Gliese 65) - 1.0 is OUT!

Mech Engineer

A dark sci-fi mech assembling manager with semi-auto battles against mutating, alien bio-weapon.

Hello fellow Mech Engineers! Welcome to the final update for 1.0! Yes, you have read it right. We have finally made it to 1.0 and I am hugely grateful to everybody who followed and contributed to this incredible adventure. Thank you so much for playing the game, sharing your feedback, and supporting Mech Engineer, it means the world to me. Let’s take a look at this month's changelog, it’s definitely a lot: [h3][b]M[/b]:\Modding[/h3] [list] [*] Added [b]sprite_collision_mask[/b] function [*] The following LUA functions are available within [b]obj_battle_map[/b] [code]battle_end_default_mechs_dead battle_end_default_win battle_end_scout_mechs_dead battle_end_scout_win [/code][*] Make your own custom map with the help of an [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3251351834]example mod that has been published to the workshop[/url] [/list] [h3][b]I[/b]:\Interface[/h3] [list] [*] Following an interface overhaul Mech Engineer has been localized into French, German, Polish, Portuguese Brazilian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish [*] Save slots from the main menu have taken on the appearance of punchcards [*] Mouse over an installed mech, reactor or weapon when using the construction table to view a tooltip message [*] Updated the image for the error message that appears when attempting to place a reactor that has not been properly tuned to better prompt players to assemble and ignite their reactors [*] Turn on the testing chamber for a weapon or mech to hear the pleasant sound of a cathode-ray tube [*] The sound of cogs quietly rotating plays when switching between artillery and order mode during a battle [*] Added an effect for when a module is taken away from the construction table [*] The reload stat in a mech's information sheet will take into account the processor program for accelerated reloading speed of kinetic weapons from available energy (press middle mouse button over a mech to bring up its paper information sheet) [/list] [h3][b]B[/b]:\Balance[/h3] [list] [*]///[b]Buffs[/b] [*] Improved the slow effect of projectile weapons equipped with the slowdown mod on Aries by about 25% [*] Doubled damage from rockets and explosions, but scaling has been lowered to keep explosion size the same [*] Nuclear missile resource cost reduced from 400 Bjorn to 200 and 600 Munilone to 500 [*] Increased Toxin Sprayer base damage from 4 to 6 [*] Doubled the ammunition capacity of thermal-type weapons [*] Doubled the health of Fulgur [*] Watch out: the purple sword boss Titanus Monstrum has increased turn rate speed while each phase time has been increased by 15%. Caecilia will periodically spawn in when the boss enters its regeneration phase. [*]///[b]Nerfs[/b] [*] Increased the cost of ammunition to go into battle by 10% [*] Doubled time between orders for pilots with low reaction stat [*] Reduced chance of lightning appearing from 75% to 50% [*] Reduced chance of tornadoes from 95% to 75% [*] Reduced the frequency of Fulgur appearance [*] The purple sword boss Titanus Monstrum has also received some nerfs: Colubras and tentacles spawn further away from the head, enemy artillery is less frequent during the scorching gaze phase, missile firing speed has been reduced by 30% and boss health has been cut from 1 million to 500 thousand. [/list] [h3][b]E[/b]:\Engineering[/h3] [list] [*] Excessive use of capacitators to get temperature resistance over 100% (this previously allowed you to freeze your reactor by firing lasers) now has diminishing returns with each subsequent capacitor [*] Cheesing additional resources from disassembling weapons when large weapon creation mode is enabled has been nixed [/list] [h3][b]H[/b]:\Hangar[/h3] [list] [*] Brief descriptions of enemy abilities have stopped disappearing on the global map [*] Increased the passive income of free nuclear warheads from 1 to 2 per week [*] Tired of moving your mechs to the engineering section when you have enough Metallite? Use the quick repair button in the Hangar to fix any amount of damage [/list] [h3][b]C[/b]:\Combat[/h3] [list] [*] All pilots have their own personalized fully-voiced phrases and will scream horribly when you fail a mission [*] Pilots will be more scared [strike]when[/strike] [i]if[/i] one of them dies [*] Very high and very low values of stress resistance have less effect on stress during battle [*] Pilots with high free will values will more frequently try to find the best position to shoot from [*] Fixed inconsistencies in some messages when swapping between normal and fullscreen mode during battle [*] Pressing the escape button during battle will pause the game [*] Increased size of missile collision box so they stop flying through small targets at high speeds [*] Operarius scatter around the battlefield when enemy artillery shots land [*] Removed volcanic areas from underground bases [/list] [h3][b]O[/b]:\Other_changes[/h3] [list] [*] Added 15 achievements - can you take out one million Operarius? [*] The number of underground bases that have been destroyed during a mission is properly reflected in the post-mission statistics [*] Interface lightning supports different screen resolutions [*] No more weapon card pop-ups overlapping when mousing over mech weapons [*] Nuking a map cell adjacent to your city previously blocked the player from moving to that cell - you no longer have to skip a day, move elsewhere or capture a different cell to then move into the nuked cell [*] Frequent alt-tabbing in and out of the game during battle should no longer result in the textures for red-colored slowdown zones taking on a weird appearance [*] The crash bug involving empty pilot portraits after a victory has been fixed [*] There used to be a rare game freeze when installing a city for the first time, but it's gone now [/list] If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the [b]oneversionback[/b] branch, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1428520/discussions/2/]leave a message in the forums[/url] or join the [url=https://discord.gg/TXJckyg5uD]Mech Engineer Discord[/url] to get support in the [b]#bugs[/b] channel. Again, let me share with you my enthusiasm and my gratitude for supporting me all along these wonderful years of development of Mech Engineer. We can now enjoy the full Mech Engineer experience, together!