Mech Engineer

A dark sci-fi mech assembling manager with semi-auto battles against mutating, alien bio-weapon.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38798271/264e40ab6627963312e7d1ebfeb67cae68bd840a.png[/img] Hello! Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback. Here is the changelog for August 2023: [h3][b]I[/b]:\Interface[/h3] [list] [*] Added a mouse icon underneath the arrow in the end-of-day stats menu [*] Dispose of end-of-day information reports by right-clicking on them [*] Compare the number of AUX mech modules between mechs when you select a mech in the Production menu [*] Middle mouse click a mech in Engineering or in the Hangar to bring up a detailed information report about the model, such as reload times for each ammo type on the mech (right click to dispose of the report) [*] Enjoy a scrunching up sound when disposing of information reports [*] Added a picture of a drill to page 32 of the base manual [*] Added monster icons for Brucus and Ovum to the bestiary [*] The descriptions for research nodes DRONE, CYBORGIZATION and ATOMIC BOMB have been changed to better describe their mechanics [*] Base manual has been updated to include information not previously mentioned, more specifically: mechs will not shoot through allies, power circuits raising the base reactor temperature for mechs, how mech evasion and stability works, and fire rate reduction during melee attacks [*] Changed the order in which additional mech menus are mentioned in the manual to match the sequence in the UI [*] District descriptions have been updated to fix some grammatical errors [*] Plus sign at the top left of a weapon module in the weapon list will show you if it has unspent points [*] See the current mod installed in weapons when they are inside a mech on the construction table, without removing them from the mech [/list] [h3][b]B[/b]:\Balance[/h3] [list] [*]///[b]Buffs[/b] [*] Counter rocket module will add some kinetic ammunition [*] Sagittarius attack range has been doubled [*] Mechs will dig walls at twice the speed when the battle speed is also doubled [*] Reduced toxin sprayer research time from 20 days to 5 days [*] Fire pools created by the flamethrower have the weapon's initial damage instead of its end damage [*] Reload time modifier for mech model "Holo" reduced from 4 to 2 [*] Increased the speed and duration of energy spheres from Colubra in infested map cells [*] Decreased the lifetime decay rate of enemy kinetic projectiles [*] Tripled the number of underwater currents [*]///[b]Nerfs[/b] [*] Increased flamethrower research time from 2 days to 5 days [*] Lowered the initial amount of armor layers [*] Removed endgame armor from the starting item pool [*] Fire weapon module will create fire pools with 20% less damage [*] increased fire damage reduction per point of enemy armor from 5% to 10% [*] Added damage reduction for underwater fire created by the fire weapon module [*] Reduced the starting number of engineers by 30% [*] Projectiles from weapons without a slow module will cause a slow debuff at 20% less effectiveness [*] Operarius armor and health is tripled in infested areas instead of quadrupled [*] Additional reactor overcharge module multiplies overheat time debuff instead of stacking the debuff, which will greatly increase it the more you have it [*] Bonus effect from District 15 on the number of engineers per day lowered from 3 to 2 [/list] [h3][b]E[/b]:\Engineering[/h3] [list] [*] REACTOR OVERCHARGE research node moved to the beginning of the research tree - the additional reactor overcharge module can be accessed by all reactors after research is complete [*] Set specific min/max engagement distances for each enemy type via the new menu to the right of the construction table when a weapon is placed there. For example, this will allow you to completely stop mechs from firing at certain enemy types that are out of effective range, or are too heavily armored to take damage from a particular weapon, so that mechs do not waste ammo or overheat. [*] Added a limit to maximum repair cost based on the mech's cost [*] Added an element of randomness for the optimal value of the damage repair cost, removing the ability to calculate the exact number of clicks required for optimal value [*] NEEDLE BULLETS and TORPEDOES research nodes changed - you will need to add these as weapon modules via the construction table in order to use them in underwater battles [*] ROBOTIZATION research node has been moved to allow access to cyborgs sooner [/list] [h3][b]H[/b]:\Hangar[/h3] [list] [*] The following changes have been made to the city: District 17 has lost its food and spare parts bonuses and depends on District 18; District 40 depends on District 18, and a fully-upgraded District 15 will remove maintenance after battles for mechs [*] Changed the depth for minesweeper numbers on the world map, so you could see them over the mega storm [*] All world map scan layers will show you bosses that are near your city, so the player always knows when danger is close [*] A warning report will appear after skipping a day if bosses are near your city [*] Bolster your city assault squads with cyborgs via the new CYBORG SQUADS research node [/list] [h3][b]C[/b]:\Combat[/h3] [list] [*] Tornadoes can be redirected by a rocket blast [*] Colubra will destroy walls with its laser beam instead of firing over them [*] The tutorial text telling the player how to control mechs will persist for two more battles before disappearing [*] Added a transparent minimap to full-screen mode that includes a display of the camera's position [*] Buttons in the battle menu will highlight when you mouse over them [*] The special Bunker map cell now contains additional information about the huge weapons menu [*] Improved the visibility of enemy turret attack range by adding internal stripes [*] Added a message about unavailable artillery after trying to select it when it is unavailable [*] Added enemy artillery in caves in the form of digging from the ground [*] Increased turret attack priority radius by 20% from its attack radius [*] The camera will always appear near your mechs at the start of a mission [*] Boss HP has reappeared in the standard battle screen view [/list] [h3][b]O[/b]:\Other_changes[/h3] [list] [*] A settings config file is now available to manually edit (by default on Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mech Engineer\data) allowing you to keep the aspect ratio and lock the mouse cursor to the window - settings for these in-game will be added at a later date [*] Tutorial settings are saved between play sessions [*] Added transparency to target in the mech test chamber [*] Various text corrections made to Research [*] Limit set on the maximum stats ​​of pilots when they are training in real-time [*] You can no longer pick up a pilot and a mech at the same time in the Pilots menu [*] Buttons will no longer overlap information reports when the latter is clicked on [*] The construction table used to show incorrect reload times - this has been fixed [*] Mechs in the mech test chamber used to be able to perform simultaneous reloads without the necessary processor program - this ability has been removed [*] You can no longer craft huge weapons until the technology is obtained from the special Bunker map cell [*] City legs cannot be infinitely improved anymore [*] Fixed a bug with the inability to reach the end of the weapons list if there are too many of them [*] Loud weapon sounds should no longer play at the start of each battle [*] Explosions change terrain textures and cause additional effects against walls [*] Mechs will no longer automatically reload unequipped ammo at doubled battle speed [*] Players should no longer accidentally select a mech when disabling weapons in battle [*] Pilots with higher stats will no longer take more time to make decisions between orders [*] Overlapping commands occasionally caused rare cases of disobedience by pilots - this was unintended [*] The underwater modifier will no longer persist after closing the weapon test chamber [*] Ovums spit out more large shards on death than before [*] Added tentacle animation for Fragellum's attack [*] Watch out: Fulgur have stopped spawning at the edge of a map cell meaning they no longer die instantly [*] Particle creation for volcanic artillery during a pause now works as intended [*] The starting tile of a labyrinth map cell should no longer spawn the player in next to enemies [*] Colubra weren't interacting correctly with fire and explosion effects - this has been changed [*] Colubra should gradually remove the slow debuff when attacking mechs [*] Colubra energy balls will no longer cause particle buildup while paused [*] Sagittarius used to be stationary but its AI behavior has been given a nudge [*] The incorrect destruction of walls by Titanus Centipeda in the maze map cell has been addressed - it was previously causing pathing problems for AI even if there were no more walls [*] Added adaptive direction for Titanus Centipeda when spawning in a maze based on past movement and mech position, so its tail won't appear on top of mechs [*] Enemies should no longer regenerate armor when battle is paused [*] Fixed persistence of slow zone grid over walls causing incorrect pathfinding after destroying walls [*] Walls on the right and bottom edges of a map cell are no longer endless [*] Various visual improvements - in particular when picking up nuclear reactor modules, when moving the city and how some textures appeared incorrectly at different resolutions [*] Changed names for monsters in the credits to correspond to the bestiary [/list] If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the [b]oneversionback[/b] branch, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1428520/discussions/2/]leave a message in the forums[/url] or join the [url=https://discord.gg/TXJckyg5uD]Mech Engineer Discord[/url] to get support in the [b]#bugs[/b] channel.