Update 62 (Lalande 21185)

Mech Engineer

A dark sci-fi mech assembling manager with semi-auto battles against mutating, alien bio-weapon.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38798271/00874ebf368256a7fa13bbc789189cdaa44da566.png[/img] Hello! Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback. Here is this month's changelog: [h3][b]I[/b]:\Interface[/h3] [list] [*] The repair minigame has been given icons that represent each pip of damage that needs repairing [*] Increased the visibility of the "Do not show again" checkbox for tutorial popups [*] Mouse over buttons in the post-battle statistics menu to highlight them [*] Banner art showing the terrain of your next battle deployment will look more distinct since the blue-colored animated overlay has been removed [/list] [h3][b]B[/b]:\Balance[/h3] [list] [*]///[b]Buffs[/b] [*] increased frequency of enemy artillery by 20% [*] Operarius health value increased from 12 to 13 [*] Biomass growth on map cells with enemy bases increased by 25% [*] Increased the explosive area of effect of enemy missiles by 70% [/list] [h3][b]E[/b]:\Engineering[/h3] [list] [*] Mouse over buttons when configuring a weapon for tooltip descriptions [*] The fragmentation weapon module has been reworked. It no longer reduces the weapon's armor penetration stat. Projectile speed is reduced by 30%. Kinetic projectiles will no longer ricochet with this module if they fail to penetrate enemy armor. If kinetic projectiles penetrate, they will be destroyed to create fragments. Fragments have the same armor penetration as the projectile, instead of half the value as before. [*] Placing wires in the power circuit menu plays a satisfying sparking sound [/list] [h3][b]H[/b]:\Hangar[/h3] [list] [*] Updated stats for the starter set of mechs in the Hangar to make fresh campaign runs slightly easier [*] A new giant boss called Monstrum has appeared; it has its own purple sword icon on the world map [*] Deploy up to eight mechs on missions – scroll through tabs with the wheel on the left in the battle preparation menu. [*] A sound effect will play when dragging and dropping mechs into battle preparation slots [*] Don't be reliant on your favorite squad – some pilots may take the weekends off forcing you to use crew that might not be as experienced [*] When a district gets damaged, it also can kill pilots since they now travel across districts in real-time [*] Always have some components for your city on hand – damage to your city is doubled when you have none [*] Overall game time has been extended to make it more likely to visit unique map cells and encounter bosses. [spoiler] Each new space shuttle part will spawn further away from you. [/spoiler] [*] If you manage to reach the endgame by launching the shuttle, and you wish to keep playing, the following happens: [spoiler] scientists are capped at 999, engineers are capped at 25 (or in the form of robots if created beforehand), modules will no longer take up more than one slot in the production queue, and population from the city stats is removed. [/spoiler] [/list] [h3][b]C[/b]:\Combat[/h3] [list] [*] Tornadoes disappear after reaching the edge of the map during battle [*] Destroy tornadoes with artillery or missiles – a tornado has a 50% chance to disappear upon contact with an explosion [*] Tornadoes change the flight direction of projectiles they come into contact with instead of shifting them [*] Objects will no longer move inside a tornado when the game is paused [*] The C-RAM aux module for mechs will no longer target enemy missiles behind walls [*] Enemy missiles will create an explosive effect upon contact, much like player missiles. This effect can damage walls, mechs, aliens and tornadoes. They deal less damage underwater. [*] Doubled the duration for how long battle screen notifications stay on screen [*] Stealing resources from Colubra is harder because they only drop them on death, instead of at spawn [*] Maps that start with 50 Ovum will try to maintain that number if the number of Ovum drops below 50 – another Ovum will spawn every three seconds if there are fewer than 50 of them. [*] Underground enemy bases have been updated. You can instantly teleport to another cell if there are no enemies on the map and no bosses near your map cell. In addition, [spoiler] killing the equivalent of the purple sword boss in the center of the labyrinth will be considered a win condition. [/spoiler] Doing so will clear this cell on the world map. [/list] [h3][b]O[/b]:\Other_changes[/h3] [list] [*] Robotization research node overhauled: instead of consuming 20% of the city's energy, you are given the ability to manually create engineers in Production [*] Various spelling corrections and grammar changes in the base manual [*] Added a mention of the weapon testing chamber in the base manual [*] Fixed an issue where pilot cabin toy arrangements would disappear after reloading the game [*] Gibs will have different flight speeds when created rather than a default value across the board [*] Clicking RMB to clear away notes from after battle or inspecting pilots should no longer unintentionally leave exclamation marks on the world map [*] For modders: function create() for obj_battle_map script has been moved to the last line, creating the opportunity to change starting values [*] Empty slots between mechs in battle will no longer break the stats interface of all further slots [*] The graphical bug associated with repeatedly saving a mech's paintjob has been squashed [*] Incorrect text alignment issue when exiting from battle to the main menu has been resolved [*] Select single mechs during battle by shift+number – this feature now works as intended [/list] If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the [b]oneversionback[/b] branch, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1428520/discussions/2/]leave a message in the forums[/url] or join the [url=https://discord.gg/TXJckyg5uD]Mech Engineer Discord[/url] to get support in the [b]#bugs[/b] channel.