Update 57 (Rigil Kentaurus and Toliman)

Mech Engineer

A dark sci-fi mech assembling manager with semi-auto battles against mutating, alien bio-weapon.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38798271/da66041a05f1881fce6cc1a631d93e4078bcdc68.png[/img] Hello! Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback. Here is the changelog for May 2023: [h3][b]I[/b]:\Interface[/h3] [list] [*] The Bestiary is now available - review intel on enemy alien forces by clicking the monster icon next to the Hangar tab [*] The construction table in the Engineering tab now lights up to better indicate where to drag and drop a mech, weapon, or reactor [*] Toggle the tutorial on or off inside the game in the Escape menu [*] Additional information in the tutorial popup will inform you about weapon customization when installing a mech into the construction table for the first time [*] One of the battle screen filters now reduces the sensitivity of lighting in battle, which stops the screen from being washed out when firing strong energy weapons [/list] [h3][b]S[/b]:\Sound[/h3] [list] [*] Added sounds for the railgun, teslagun, plasmagun and corrosive gun [/list] [h3][b]B[/b]:\Balance[/h3] [list] [*]///[b]Buffs[/b] [*] Increased enemy turret rate of fire by 80% [*] Increased enemy turret ammo capacity by 100% [*] Increased Ovum's health from 1000 to 3000 [*] Increased Ovum spawner (from labyrinths) armor from 7 to 22 [*] Increased Titanus Araneus damage from 10 to 24 [*] Increased railgun armor penetration from 3 to 4 [*] Increased railgun rate of fire from 150 to 200 [*] Increased resource cost of deploying Kinetic weapons in combat (Bjorn from 6 to 8, Skalaknit from 3 to 4) [*] Increased Kinetic shell duration by 1% for every 5 damage [*] Increased resource cost of deploying Explosive weapons in combat (Bjorn from 11 to 15, Skalaknit from 6 to 8) [*] Increased resource cost of deploying Thermal weapons in combat (Bjorn from 12 to 20) [*] Increased penalty for sending mechs into battle from District 62 from 20 to 25 for every level the district remains unupgraded (zero penalty at max level) [*] Increased the maximum number of city repair brigades from 3 to 5 [*]///[b]Nerfs[/b] [*] Lowered Titanus Araneus claw damage to systems from 15 to 10 per attack (its armor penetration is still infinite) [*] Area of effect for Titanus Araneus claw attack has moved slightly - you should no longer take damage when behind its back [*] Reduced Colubra's starting damage to shields [*] Reduced Colubra's additional damage over time to shields [*] Reduced Ovum's armor from 22 to 0 [*] Reduced Gammarus damage from 24 to 15 [*] Flos now have 0 armor when attacking [*] Reduced enemy turret armor penetration from 8 to 6 [*] Halved the reload speed of enemy artillery [*] Increased the minimum distance for the enemy's artillery to shoot [*] Reduced increased duration for the reactive projectile mod from 3 to 2 [*] Kinetic projectiles will slowly lose speed and duration for each second spent inside enemies [*] Reduced the total amount of all Explosive ammo by ~15 % [*] Reduced system damage from the sunbeam weather effect from 2 to 1 [*] Reduced number of damaged districts from a giant's attack from 10 to 5 [/list] [h3][b]E[/b]:\Engineering[/h3] [list] [*] The [b]Particle Emitter[/b] has been added to the arsenal. It launches a self-guided projectile that creates bolts of lightning along its trajectory that deal massive damage. Its damage also depends on supplied energy. Uses the Explosive ammo type. [*] Energy weapons have been reworked - now all weapons that depend on supplied energy heat up the reactor with shots [*] Processor programs saved to a mech punch card will no longer be forgotten [*] Adjust the available ammo ratio for a mech by clicking the shield icon when a mech is on your construction table [*] Damaged text on mechs will now no longer overlap with the program numbers [*] The power circuits switch is now more visible in a mech's electricity menu [/list] [h3][b]H[/b]:\Hangar[/h3] [list] [*] Open the whole research tree by fully upgrading District 17 in the city menu [*] Tutorial now highlights the pilot menu for a better navigation [*] Starting a fresh save file will now only spawn two giants: one red and one gold. The world will also have a random spread of infested terrain cells. [*] If you start on a city cell you will auto pickup a clue, instead of losing one as before. [*] Colored squares have been added next to the city stats to better indicate the colors of the graphs [/list] [h3][b]C[/b]:\Combat[/h3] [list] [*] The [b]experimental orbital Earth defense gun map[/b] has been added. It contains one new boss: [b]Glyptodont[/b] which bears miniguns. The map also has one huge defense turret that can be captured, and a new weapon, the [b]Particle Emitter[/b], which is rewarded for killing the boss. [*] The rocket barrage processor program now fires projectiles at the maximum rate of fire, instead of a one-time shot, for optimization reasons [*] Explosion animation and damage over time now depend on the source of the damage [*] Duration of fire zones now depends on the source of the damage [*] Size of fire zones now depends on the source of the damage [*] Explosions can now knockback Operarius [*] Napalm projectiles now slow down faster the closer they are to disappearing [*] Check how much a mech's systems have been damaged by mousing over the mech on the battle screen [*] A mech's damaged systems icons now appear on top of each mech card during battle [*] Allied turrets can now be damaged in the same way as mechs as by enemies [*] Find and activate allied turrets on city maps [*] Picking up a resource during battle will highlight the resource panel to show that it's been added [*] Doubled cabin heat from reactor overheating - pilots will now be more likely to be damaged by reactor overheating if cabin safety stat is low [*] Colubra act differently on infested maps - every few seconds they will launch a huge energy ball across the map at visible mechs. Colubra's energy dome also will not disappear until it has dropped to 25% of its total health, instead of disappearing at 75% on other maps. [/list] [h3][b]O[/b]:\Other_changes[/h3] [list] [*] Slowdown zones now render to one texture with a different sprite [*] Broken cabin now can be spotted by the cracked glass effect inside the pilot's window [*] Pilots shake their heads when they are panicking or the mech is walking fast [*] Added laser particle and size-increasing effect for the Colubra attack [*] Brucus now properly displays the turrets on its back [*] Rockets now have a particle trail effect [*] Fire zones and fire attacks now emit fire particles [*] Slight performance improvement by turning off unnecessary calculations during battle [*] Increased FPS during battle by getting rid of the second camera [*] Fixed similar colors for the first four graph lines when viewing city stats [*] City components obtained during a mission now correctly display [*] The game should no longer crash when using more than one anti-missile system platform [*] Water particles no longer endlessly stack when the game is paused [*] Fixed a slight darkening of the map when minimizing and expanding the game during battle [*] The frog boss no longer counts as a Gammarus in the final game score [*] Fixed the spawn of resources by Titanus Centipeda when fleeing from it to another cell in the labyrinth [*] Fixed a bug with not displaying the influence of the mech speed acceleration program on the displayed characteristics in various places [*] Mechs will now continue to move diagonally over long distances [*] You can no longer click the volume sliders after switching to fullscreen mode during battle [*] The wrong tutorial popup no longer appears when accessing the mech test chamber [*] Fixed a bug with not applying the projectile lifetime mod in the weapon testing room [*] Fixed a bug with not applying the energy mod in the weapon testing room [*] Fixed a typo in the underwater turbine research description [*] Fixed formatting of Russian text in the manual for the first page [*] Fixed displayed reload cooldown count [*] It should now be easier to drag and drop a reactor inside a mech [*] Fixed incorrect mention of available menus in the tutorial [*] Fixed issue with capturing cells not clearing infestation [*] Fixed issue with rendering minesweeper numbers on the map under infested cells - now you can properly see the numbers [*] No more double clicking when changing mechs on the construction table after fixing a bug involving the second camera [*] Added algorithm to automatically display mech resists in the components menu to fix incorrect numbers [/list] it is recommended to start a new save or continue an old one in the oneversionback branch. If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the oneversionback branch, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1428520/discussions/2/]leave a message in the forums[/url] or join the [url=https://discord.gg/TXJckyg5uD]Mech Engineer Discord[/url] to get support in the [b]#bugs[/b] channel.