Update 65 (Ross 154)

Mech Engineer

A dark sci-fi mech assembling manager with semi-auto battles against mutating, alien bio-weapon.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38798271/f880ac99950078501dd923fa60bd3f104d09d2bc.png[/img] Hello! Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback. Here is this month's changelog: [h3][b]M[/b]:\Modding[/h3] [list] [*] Create custom world maps with the restored in-game map editor. Press f6 then f10 on the global map screen 1-9 to change the draw type, ENTER to save to a file in your save folder. [*] Choose what sound will your custom weapon play with the new parameter "base_gun[i,17]" [*] Bullets will mimic some of the mechanics of another weapon type with the new parameter "base_gun[i,18]" [*] Control walls default durability with the new parameter in the balance file [/list] [h3][b]I[/b]:\Interface[/h3] [list] [*] Hovering over weapon icons on mechs in engineering, hangar, and battles will show full information about the gun, including fire rate, accuracy, damage, and armor penetration. [*] Improved the visibility of the switch(scroll wheel) for huge weapons in the production menu [*] Various small fixes in RU and ENG localisations [/list] [h3][b]B[/b]:\Balance[/h3] [list] [*]///[b]Buffs[/b] [*] Increased speed of Colubra's energy sphere by 10% [*] Increased power of Colubra's energy sphere by 10% [*] Improved loot in the cities, making it more viable mid-game [*] All walls became 15% more durable [*] Worry a little less about sending ordinary humans into infected maps with a lower chance of infection from 100% to 60% per hit [*] Increased health of the Frog Boss from the Satellite crash site map by 30% [*]///[b]Nerfs[/b] [*] Ballistic projectiles will be 20% more slowed when passing through enemies [*] Increased 5 times the cost of production of all internal components for reactors of the second and third tiers [*] Lowered speed of drone's repair by 15% [*] Rockets will have a delayed activation that will prevent them from exploding when contacting a wall too soon. The delay is constant so huge explosions can still reach your mechs. [/list] [h3][b]H[/b]:\Hangar[/h3] [list] [*] Remember each fallen hero with the new memorial wall in the pilots' menu. Click at the bottom to open it. [/list] [h3][b]C[/b]:\Combat[/h3] [list] [*] Rediscover the Flamethrower and Toxin Sprayer with proper damage-dealing registration [*] The leader of the squad will be a little more responsive to your commands [*] To better show that the enemy's projectiles aren't penetrating the mech's armor they will ricochet [*] Fixed the wrong priority number of enemy turrets. They were marked as Ovums [*] Annoying tornadoes won't spawn too close to your squad anymore [*] You will have time to disable weapons with the removed delay before autopause at the start of the mission [*] Satellite crash site map will have more open spaces [/list] [h3][b]O[/b]:\Other_changes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed achievement "I SAY KILL THEM ALL". It now should properly count the last kills. [*] Fixed the crash related to mod upload gml_Object_obj_controller_Other_69 (line 58) [*] Ovums' tentacles got a new animation that changes their thickness depending on the length [/list] If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the [b]oneversionback[/b] branch, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1428520/discussions/2/]leave a message in the forums[/url] or join the [url=https://discord.gg/TXJckyg5uD]Mech Engineer Discord[/url] to get support in the [b]#bugs[/b] channel.