Update 3: “Ritual Mastery"


SpellRogue is a turn-based, deckbuilding roguelike where you cast powerful spells using your Mana Dice, gain legendary artifacts, upgrade your spells and experiment with potent combinations to annihilate the Voidwalkers corrupting the world.

[h1]Greetings Dice Slingers,[/h1] Today we are releasing the third update for SpellRogue! A big focus for this one has been to improve Rituals and their place in SpellRogue. We felt like Rituals occasionally became a button you simply had to remember to press, so one of our primary goals has been to have more interesting choices for deciding [b]when [/b]to cast them. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/1656211d662a3ced19b80b348ab1be5355c3fa43.png[/img] [i]Many Rituals are now usable at intervals with different effects and added choices.[/i] We also reworked map tiles and map generation: The elite reward has been severely reduced and now only provides an Artifact draft along with its high gold reward (so no more bonus Spell draft!), while dedicated Shard tiles only give a Shard and no gold/potions. There are also other important changes like how Rituals are now mainly gained as boss rewards along with the regular Boss Artifact that you are used to receiving there. We’re quite happy with the new direction as the balance between rewards seem to offer much more interesting choices on the world map, but we’re also eager to hear what you think of the changes! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/a656fa5daaf542ac4f3a8b91fb36a4511c63cf52.jpg[/img][i]Shards are now randomly placed on the map as well. There’s even an occasional Ritual Tile.[/i] We added new “Destroy Dice” interactions to the game. Although we had this mechanic for a while, the game was really missing some more ways to combo and play around with dice destruction. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/0579938cedddccae0ba60d8b3d28dacba9164b64.png[/img][i]Ending turn with available dice now also destroys the unused ones![/i] There are also a couple of new monsters & combat encounters, improved graphics for several monsters in act 3, and added artwork for the random events throughout the game (although in various states of work-in-progress). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/e058d2c214b93e4743d2b153dabceeba85a2852e.gif[/img][i]These poor Imp’s act as the vessel of the Master’s fiery magic.[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/2f5da6ba8c1ade2660b89ff83e7fc6da9cf6dc46.jpg[/img][i]Examples of some of the new event artwork being added.[/i] [b]Please note!: [/b]There are a lot of changes in this update, some of which we are still not 100% sure about. Please let us know what you think on the [url=https://discord.com/invite/5AnXVPCqyx]SpellRogue Discord[/url] or on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1990110/discussions/]Steam forums[/url]. We want to keep experimenting and improving mechanics, so we hope you can forgive us if we broke your favorite mechanic or spell. There are also a whole bunch of other changes and new content, which you can check out in more detail below! [h1]SpellRogue 0.9.3: “Ritual Mastery”[/h1] [hr][/hr] [h2]General[/h2][list] [*] Major overhaul of Rituals, 9 new Rituals and unique effects! [*] New content: 8 Spells, 2 Artifacts, 17 Mutators, and 3 enemies! [*] Map tile reward reworked and map generation tweaks. [*] “Random Event” UI improved with added story and image. [*] Mutator rebalance and slight difficulty increase on higher stages. [*] Reworked some Dice enchantments (Sapling/Ether/a few others) and added “Remnant” enchantment. [*] Shops now have 2 Void Spells available, and 1 more artifact [*] Improved text readability (new font, larger font sizes, etc.) [*] Enemy graphics update: Fierce Voidling, Wrath Voidling, Guardian Voidling and Door to Beyond. [/list] [h2]New Content[/h2] NEW: Spell (Void) ALCHEMY NEW: Spell (Earth) BLOSSOM NEW: Spell (Earth) GRAFT MANA NEW: Spell (Fire) EMBERSTORM NEW: Spell (Fire) PHOENIX WARD NEW: Spell (Fire) SCORCHED ASSAULT NEW: Spell (Water) MULTI JET NEW: Spell (Water) SUBMERGE NEW: Artifact CINDERCLASP STONE NEW: Artifact FLAMEWARD FRAGMENT NEW: Ritual CRISIS ORB NEW: Ritual ELEMENTAL OVERDRIVE NEW: Ritual EMPOWER NEW: Ritual ESSENCE COLLAPSE NEW: Ritual INTERLINKING NEW: Ritual MANA VESTIGE NEW: Ritual OSSUARY'S TOUCH NEW: Ritual SORCERY SHIFT NEW: Ritual TRUE NORTH NEW: Enemy SLAVEMASTER NEW: Enemy IMP IMMOLATOR NEW: Enemy TESSERACT NEW: Mutator AGGRAVATION NEW: Mutator AGGRAVATION+ NEW: Mutator AGGRAVATION++ NEW: Mutator ARDUOUS NEW: Mutator ARDUOUS+ NEW: Mutator ARDUOUS++ NEW: Mutator ARDUOUS+++ NEW: Mutator BOSS TOUGHNESS NEW: Mutator BOSS TOUGHNESS+ NEW: Mutator MALADY NEW: Mutator MONSTER TOUGHNESS NEW: Mutator MONSTER TOUGHNESS+ NEW: Mutator OFFERING NEW: Mutator OFFERING+ NEW: Mutator SPINY NEW: Mutator SPINY+ NEW: Mutator SPINY++ [h2]Changes[/h2] [h3]Spells[/h3] Spell (Void) ETHER ECHO Sockets: [1-3] -> [*9*] Spell (Void) ETHER ECHO Rarity: Rare -> Uncommon Spell (Void) ETHER ECHO Redesigned: 'Roll 2 Ether Dice.' Spell (Void) ETHER ECHO Charges: 2 -> 1 Spell (Void) ETHER ECHO+A Charges: 2 -> 1 Spell (Void) ETHER ECHO+B Sockets: [ ] -> [*6*] Spell (Void) INVOKE MANA Sockets: [=5] -> [=1][=6] Spell (Void) INVOKE MANA Rarity: Uncommon -> Rare Spell (Void) INVOKE MANA Roll Dice: 2 -> 3 Spell (Void) INVOKE MANA Charges: 3 -> 1 Spell (Void) INVOKE MANA+A Sockets: [*1*] -> [=6] Spell (Void) MANA SYMMETRY+B Redesigned: '+1 charge' Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS Sockets: [*7*] -> [=5] Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS Block: 1 -> 2 Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS+B Redesigned: '2 power' Spell (Void) STELLAR WARD Sockets: [*6*] -> [=4][=4] Spell (Void) STELLAR WARD Redesigned: 'Gain 12 Block. Random other Spell +2 Charges' Spell (Void) STELLAR WARD Charges: 3 -> 1 Spell (Void) STELLAR WARD+B Block: 3 -> 6 Spell (Void) STRANGE PRESENCE Redesigned: 'Gain DiceX Block. Roll a Vex Dice.' Spell (Void) STRANGE PRESENCE+B Redesigned: '+1 charge' Spell (Void) TENDRILS Sockets: [*4*] -> [*10*] Spell (Void) TENDRILS Redesigned: 'Deal 15 Damage. If Lethal: Gain 10 Gold.' Spell (Void) TENDRILS+A Redesigned: '+7 damage' Spell (Void) TENDRILS+B Redesigned: '+5 gold' Spell (Earth) CARAPACE Block: 8 -> 6 Spell (Earth) CARAPACE+A Redesigned: '+4 block +1 sap' Spell (Earth) CARAPACE+B Redesigned: [*2*] Spell (Earth) FIXATION Rarity: Uncommon -> Common Spell (Earth) FIXATION Rupture -> Marked Spell (Earth) FIXATION+A Redesigned: '+2 marked' Spell (Earth) FIXATION+B Sockets: [5-6] -> [*6*] Spell (Fire) BURN SCAR Sockets: [Odd] -> [=6] Spell (Fire) BURN SCAR Charges: 1 -> 2 Spell (Fire) BURN SCAR+A Redesigned: '+1 charge +1 ignite' Spell (Fire) BURN SCAR+B Redesigned: '[Even]' Spell (Fire) BURNING BOTH ENDS Sockets: [4-6] -> [3-6] Spell (Fire) BURNING BOTH ENDS Redesigned: 'Deal 3xDiceX Damage. Lose 3 Health.' Spell (Fire) BURNING BOTH ENDS+A Redesigned: '5x dicex damage' Spell (Fire) CHANNEL MANA+A Countdown: -2 -> -5 Spell (Fire) CHANNEL MANA+B Radiant: 1 -> 2 Spell (Fire) CHAOS BOLTS Redesigned: 'Deal 2 Damage to a random enemy 3 times. ' Spell (Fire) CHAOS BOLTS+B Redesigned: 'destroy: -2 countdown' Spell (Fire) FLAME SURGE Sockets: [=2][=2] -> [1-2][1-2] Spell (Fire) FLAME SURGE Redesigned: 'Gain 4 block for each charge left. On 4: Gain 1 Surge.' Spell (Fire) FLAME SURGE+A Redesigned: '4: +1 surge' Spell (Fire) FLAME SURGE+B Redesigned: '+2 block/charge' Spell (Fire) FURNACE Sockets: [*6*] -> [*7*] Spell (Fire) FURNACE Redesigned: 'Other Spells -1 Countdown for each Dice spent.' Spell (Fire) FURNACE Charges: 1 -> 2 Spell (Fire) FURNACE+B Redesigned: 'Roll 2 dice1-dice2' Spell (Fire) HEATSTROKE Redesigned: 'Apply 1 Weak then double Weak on target.' Spell (Fire) HEATSTROKE+B Redesigned: '+2 weak' Spell (Fire) INCANDESCENCE Sockets: [*9*] -> [*10*] Spell (Fire) INCANDESCENCE Redesigned: 'Gain 4 Radiant. On Destroy: -1 Countdown.' Spell (Fire) INCANDESCENCE+A Radiant: 1 -> 2 Spell (Fire) INCINERATE Redesigned: 'Deal 13 Damage. If 5 or more Dice spent: Roll 2 dice1-dice2.' Spell (Fire) INCINERATE+A Damage: 6 -> 7 Spell (Fire) INCINERATE+B Redesigned: '+2 dice1-dice2' Spell (Fire) LUMINANCE Charges: 1 -> 2 Spell (Fire) LUMINANCE+A Redesigned: '1 critical' Spell (Fire) LUMINANCE+B Redesigned: 'destroy: -2 countdown' Spell (Water) COLD SNAP Redesigned: 'Roll 1 Icy Dice.' Spell (Water) COLD SNAP+B Fury: 3 -> 5 Spell (Water) CRYOGENESIS Sockets: [1-4] -> [1-5] Spell (Water) FORBEARANCE Damage: 8 -> 9 Spell (Water) FORBEARANCE+A Damage: 4 -> 5 Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Redesigned: 'Gain 8 Block. Apply 4 Rupture to front enemy.' Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD+A Redesigned: '+4 rupture' Spell (Water) GRASP FLOW Charges: 2 -> 3 Spell (Water) ICE WARD Sockets: [1-3] -> [*3*] Spell (Water) ICE WARD+B Dice: 1 -> 2 [h3]Artifacts[/h3] Artifact CURSED PENDANT Weak: 3 -> 4 Artifact DREADSTONE Damage: 2 -> 3 Artifact ETHERWEAVE Redesigned: 'Roll 3 Ether dice1-dice3' Artifact EXUBERANT WAND Cooldown: 12 -> 15 Artifact HEX ROBES Vex: 1 -> 2 Artifact BOSCO'S BELL Redesigned: 'Each turn: Enchant a random Dice with Ether.' Artifact DARKHEART Redesigned: 'For each 4 dice4s rolled: Apply 2 Marked to ALL enemies.' [h3]Rituals[/h3] Ritual ARCANE INFUSION Redesigned: '3 energy: Target Attack Spell +8 Damage this combat. On enemy death: +1 energy' Ritual ASTRAL ATTUNEMENT Redesigned: '1 energy: Add 1 charge to target Depleted Spell. 2 energy: Add 1 charge to ALL Depleted Spells.' Ritual CONJURATION CHORUS Redesigned: '7 energy: Gain 1 Spell Echo. On Spell Depleted: +1 energy' Ritual CULTIVATION Redesigned: '1 energy: Enchant lowest dice with Sapling. 2 energy: Roll 2 Sapling dice1-dice3.' Ritual EPIPHANY Redesigned: '2 energy: Cast random Spell. 3 energy: Cast target Spell. (Using highest possible value for dice/diceX effects.)' Ritual FLUX REVERSAL Redesigned: '1 energy: Flip lowest Dice upside down. 2 energy: Flip ALL Dice upside down.' Ritual FORTUNE'S FAVOR Redesigned: '1 energy: +1 to a random dice. 2 energy: +2 to 2 random dice. 3 energy: +3 to 3 random dice.' Ritual LATHSPELL Redesigned: '9 energy: Roll Lathspell dice. On Spell Depleted: +1 energy.' Ritual LIFELOCK Redesigned: '1 energy: Roll Wound dice1-dice2. 2 energy: Roll Wound dice. Gain 1 Vitality.' Ritual REALM WARP Redesigned: '1 energy: Reroll random dice. 2 energy: Reroll ALL dice.' Ritual RED CANDLE Redesigned: '1 energy: -2 countdown to a random spell. 2 energy: -3 countdown to 2 random spell. 3 energy: -4 countdown to 3 random spell.' Ritual REFOLDING RITE Redesigned: '1 energy: Enchant target dice with Manifold. 2 energy: Enchant ALL dice with Manifold.' Ritual SOUL GRASP Redesigned: '1 energy: Target loses 10 health. 2 energy: Target loses 25 health. 3 energy: Target loses 50 health.' Ritual SPELL CATALYST Redesigned: '2 energy: Roll Energized dice. 3 energy: Enchant ALL dice with Energized.' [h3]Potions[/h3] Potion CLOUDBURST NECTAR Hailstorm: 1 -> 2 Potion CRYSTAL SNORT Power: 3 -> 4 Potion PHOENIX PEARLS Redesigned: 'Roll 4 dice1-dice2.' Potion PLURALITY PHILTER Amount: 2 -> 3 Potion SHADEPOWER VIAL Roll Dice: 3 -> 4 Potion SHADEPOWER VIAL Lose Health: 3 -> 4 [h3]Enemies[/h3] Enemy CORRUPT BRUTE HP: 9 -> 10 Enemy CORRUPT DEFENDER HP: 10 -> 12 Enemy CORRUPT FRIAR HP: 11 -> 12 Enemy CORRUPT RAVAGER HP: 13 -> 14 Enemy DREAD TREANT HP: 22 -> 25 Enemy FAERIE GUARDIAN HP: 30 -> 32 Enemy GHOST LIGHT HP: 8 -> 6 Enemy GOLEM HP: 32 -> 36 Enemy LIVING EMBERS HP: 12 -> 14 Enemy SHAMBLER HP: 26 -> 28 Enemy LESSER SHAMBLER HP: 7 -> 8 Enemy SPINE FIEND HP: 23 -> 25 Enemy WILL-O'-WISP HP: 34 -> 38 Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION HP: 55 -> 60 Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 1 effect: Deal 3 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 4 Damage 2 times. Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 2 effect: Apply Fractured on 2 random Spells. -> Apply Snare on 2 random Spells. Enemy SLAVEMASTER HP: 50 -> 55 [h3]Mutators[/h3] Mutator ADAPTATION Value: 4 -> 3 Mutator ADAPTATION+ Value: 9 -> 7 Mutator BANEFUL Value: 2 -> 3 Mutator BANEFUL Weak -> Rupture Mutator BANEFUL+ Value: 4 -> 5 Mutator BLOODLETTING Value: 3 -> 2 Mutator CATACLYSM Value: 4 -> 2 Mutator CATACLYSM Damage: 30 -> 40 Mutator CATACLYSM+ Value: 6 -> 4 Mutator CATACLYSM++ Value: 9 -> 8 Mutator CATACLYSM+++ Value: 15 -> 12 Mutator CONDEMNATION Curse: 1 -> 3 Mutator CONDEMNATION+ Curse: 2 -> 3 Mutator CONDEMNATION+ Turn Number: 3 -> 2 Mutator CONDEMNATION++ Value: 3 -> 4 Mutator CONDEMNATION++ Curse: 2 -> 3 Mutator CONDEMNATION++ Turn Number: 2 -> 1 Mutator DECREPIT++ Sap: 1 -> 2 Mutator DECREPIT+++ Sap: 2 -> 4 Mutator DECREPIT+++ Turn Number: 1 -> 2 Mutator DECREPIT++++ Value: 5 -> 6 Mutator DECREPIT++++ Turn Number: 2 -> 1 Mutator DEPRIVED+ Value: 3 -> 2 Mutator DIMINISHMENT+++ Value: 10 -> 8 Mutator ELUSIVE FOES Value: 4 -> 3 Mutator ENGORGE Value: 6 -> 7 Mutator ENGORGE+ Value: 14 -> 15 Mutator ESCALATION Rupture: 2 -> 1 Mutator ESCALATION Turn Number: 3 -> 2 Mutator ESCALATION+ Rupture: 2 -> 1 Mutator ESCALATION+ Turn Number: 2 -> 1 Mutator ESCALATION++ Rupture: 3 -> 2 Mutator ESCALATION+++ Rupture: 3 -> 2 Mutator FRAGILE Value: 2 -> 1 Mutator FRAGILE++ Value: 7 -> 8 Mutator FRAIL FIVES Value: 6 -> 5 Mutator FUMBLE Turn Number: 3 -> 2 Mutator FUMBLE+ Turn Number: 2 -> 1 Mutator HUSH++ Value: 9 -> 8 Mutator IMPOVERISHED Value: 2 -> 1 Mutator IMPOVERISHED+ Value: 4 -> 3 Mutator INFECTIOUS ONES Value: 10 -> 12 Mutator INHIBITION Value: 2 -> 1 Mutator INHIBITION Redesigned: 'On Nth Spell cast each round: Deplete ALL Spells.' Mutator INHIBITION+ Value: 4 -> 2 Mutator INHIBITION++ Value: 5 -> 4 Mutator INHIBITION++++ Value: 8 -> 9 Mutator INHIBITION+++++ Value: 14 -> 12 Mutator IRRECOVERABLE Reduction: 0.3 -> 0.25 Mutator IRRECOVERABLE++ Reduction: 0.7 -> 0.75 Mutator JINX Value: 6 -> 3 Mutator MAJOR VEX++ Value: 4 -> 3 Mutator MAJOR VEX+++ Value: 6 -> 4 Mutator MENACE Value: 3 -> 2 Mutator MENACE+ Value: 6 -> 5 Mutator OBSTACLE Block: 5 -> 10 Mutator OBSTACLE Turn Number: 2 -> 3 Mutator OBSTACLE+ Block: 5 -> 10 Mutator OBSTACLE+ Turn Number: 1 -> 2 Mutator OBSTACLE++ Block: 15 -> 10 Mutator OBSTACLE++ Turn Number: 2 -> 1 Mutator OBSTACLE+++ Block: 10 -> 20 Mutator OBSTACLE+++ Turn Number: 1 -> 2 Mutator PENANCE+ Value: 5 -> 4 Mutator SCARCITY+ Value: 6 -> 5 Mutator SPELLBREAK Value: 8 -> 5 Mutator SPELLBREAK On Health Lost: 1 -> 5 Mutator STRAINING FOURS Value: 6 -> 5 Mutator TEMPEST Damage: 2 -> 5 Mutator TEMPEST+ Damage: 2 -> 10 Mutator TEMPEST+ Turn Factor: 2 -> 3 Mutator TEMPEST++ Damage: 4 -> 5 Mutator TEMPEST++ Turn Factor: 3 -> 2 Mutator TEMPEST+++ Damage: 4 -> 20 Mutator TEMPEST+++ Turn Factor: 2 -> 3 Mutator TEMPEST++++ Value: 5 -> 6 Mutator TEMPEST++++ Damage: 2 -> 10 Mutator TEMPEST++++ Turn Factor: 1 -> 2 Mutator TEMPEST+++++ Value: 6 -> 7 Mutator TEMPEST+++++ Damage: 6 -> 5 Mutator TEMPEST+++++ Turn Factor: 2 -> 1 Mutator TEMPEST++++++ Value: 7 -> 12 Mutator TEMPEST++++++ Damage: 12 -> 20 Mutator TEMPEST++++++ Turn Factor: 3 -> 2 Mutator TEMPEST+++++++ Value: 9 -> 14 Mutator TEMPEST+++++++ Damage: 8 -> 10 Mutator TEMPEST+++++++ Turn Factor: 2 -> 1 Mutator UNWIELDINESS++ Value: 11 -> 12 Mutator VITALITY Value: 4 -> 2 Mutator VITALITY Heal: 4 -> 5 Mutator VITALITY+ Value: 7 -> 6 Mutator VITALITY+ Heal: 8 -> 10 [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] Fixed Spell upgrade socket highlight issue. Fixed preview issue for Ignite + Rupture + targeted attack spell. Fixed Arkanax preview showing ‘9999 stacks’ in some cases. Fixed Flame Surge description for upgrade A. Fixed issue when returning to menu during map intro animation. Fixed persisting dice locking sockets in multi socket spells. Fixed some random effects showing up in previews. Fixed typos and grammatical issues. If you have gotten this far, thanks for reading! One final thing we wanted to let you know about is the small Supporter Pack dlc we put together for SpellRogue, that will soon be available on the Steam page. It gives some minor cosmetic changes in the form of gold trimmings on characters, but it is essentially just a way to further support our work. May your dice roll true 🧙 Tim & Thorbjørn