Dev Blog #7: Public Test


SpellRogue is a turn-based, deckbuilding roguelike where you cast powerful spells using your Mana Dice, gain legendary artifacts, upgrade your spells and experiment with potent combinations to annihilate the Voidwalkers corrupting the world.

[h1]Greetings Dice Slingers![/h1] We are opening up a Public Test on Steam today. The intent is to gather feedback and evaluate new content going into SpellRogue before releasing updates. This first public test is going to be for the Update 4.1 which we explored ideas for in [url=]Dev Blog #6[/url]. We decided to focus on recreating interesting variants of the basic starter spells, and also give the signature spells upgrades which provide a starting point to build archetypes, better dice control and such. This means Signature spells are generally stronger and more versatile, but you will still need to make the decision to allocate one of your precious Shards. We know that some players still want more shards available, but we have chosen to not make changes on that front (for now). [h2]Public Test for Update 4.1 (Loadouts)[/h2] [list] [*] Added 18 new unique starter offense and defense spells to Loadouts. [*] Signature Spells now have upgrades. [*] Sanctuary “disenchant spell” option also heals for 20%. [*] Fixed Runes with “on X gained” not triggering if Spell applies X [*] Fixed cases where combat preview was shown for random effects [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/a9717c34080f22f2748a9aba0d89ba60dd73ca64.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/1829dd97a61637e9749c4c10ef4faae830ea55df.png[/img] [h2]Feedback and expectations:[/h2] There is now a Public Test section on our [url=]Discord[/url] where we will be posting more info about any ongoing changes. It is also the place where you can give us feedback or just discuss the changes with fellow players. So please join and be an active part of SpellRogue’s future development! We want to stress that edge case bugs and issues may show up during this test, but this is also partially why we run it in the first place. So let us know if you see anything out of place and we will get to fixing things before properly releasing the update! [h2]How to Access the Public Test on Steam:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/2d5d32bf0a5dc4d0328e643a7c4fd373f80c1d74.png[/img] [olist] [*] Right click on SpellRogue in your Steam library, and click Properties. [*] Select the Betas tab and enter the password “imadebackups” [*] Select the ”public-test - for testing upcoming changes (unstable)” from the dropdown. [*] Let Steam update SpellRogue and then Run the game. [/olist] To opt-out of the public test later, simply choose “None” in the dropdown instead. [b]Please note: Opting-in/out of the Public Test will invalidate any currently active run, while all progression and unlocks is shared between the two versions. If you prefer to keep your current progression and/or active run, please make a backup of your save folder. (make a copy of the “SpellRogue” save folder at %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Guidelight Games\SpellRogue)[/b] This first Public Test is an experiment for us, but we hope to keep it running with continuous updates, to help us make more informed design choices. Finally, a big thank you to everyone who reports bugs and provides us feedback. We are looking forward to hear what you think about these new loadout changes! May your dice roll true 🧙 Tim & Thorbjørn