Update 0.2 - Final Obsidia map and important QOL additions

Gem Rifts

Ancient portals have been lying dormant, waiting for daring adventurers to travel between worlds. Your task is to lead an expedition through one of these portals, research and build defenses around it, and protect it from hostile guardian life forms.

Hi everyone, This is final update for the Early Access version of the game. [h2]New Content[/h2] [list] [*] New map "Overgrowth". [*] A new enemy, the strongest one yet! [*] New research "Aura Stacking", which unlocks Nimbus Towers. They are similar to aura towers but have a longer reach. [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] When placing buildings you can click on an existing building with the mouse wheel to select it's ghost. [*] When placing buildings you can hold down Left CTRL or Right CTRL to "snap" to positions. It prevents movement over obstacles. [*] Workers will always drop off a resource at it's specific building instead of the town hall. This allows you to lure workers away from the town hall. [*] Increased the time between attack waves by 60 seconds. This is to place more emphasis on strategic gameplay. Remember that you can still start an attack wave early if you want. [/list] I hope you enjoy the changes. Version 1.0 is almost here! Till next update, André