Update 0.11 - Two Islands, a map where the portal is out of reach!

Gem Rifts

Ancient portals have been lying dormant, waiting for daring adventurers to travel between worlds. Your task is to lead an expedition through one of these portals, research and build defenses around it, and protect it from hostile guardian life forms.

Hi everyone, We've added a new map for Neptune where you have to use long range towers to defend the portal! There are 4 new enemies that will attack the portal. If it survives the onslaught you will unlock Foundations, which allows you to build on shallow water. Watch out for mini bosses that can only be hit by status effects! You should build towers that can reach the portal and use Gem Stacking to increase the range of your towers. [h2]New Content[/h2] [list] [*] New map "Two Islands". [*] 4 new enemies. [*] New research "Foundations", which unlocks wooden and stone foundations. [*] Starting with this map and going forward, some attack waves will contain a "mini boss". [*] The mini boss is a larger unit that has more health and can only be hit with status effects! So "normal" towers won't do any damage to it! [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Allow buildings to be placed on top of workers, enemies or critters, which always get in your way! [*] Hide icons for training/retiring workers until the building is fully constructed. [*] Increase the "duration before spawning" of the 4 strongest enemies per world. [*] Remove "receive shadows" from all enemies to improve game performance. [*] Fix the green "selected" rectangle around the portal. [/list] We hope you enjoy the new map and survive the mini bosses! It took me 7 tries to beat the map but I finally made it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c77XjHnTOo0 Just a reminder that the game will [b]exit Early Access soon[/b], so send us your ideas and suggestions! Till next update, André