Update 0.03 - Status Effect Wiki

Gem Rifts

Ancient portals have been lying dormant, waiting for daring adventurers to travel between worlds. Your task is to lead an expedition through one of these portals, research and build defenses around it, and protect it from hostile guardian life forms.

Hi everyone, We made an in-game Wiki that lists all the status effects and their combinations. Status effects like Freeze and Burn appear when a Gem Tower hits an enemy. [h3]New Content[/h3] [list] [*]The Status Effect Wiki, which lists all the status effects. [*]A deer with emerald antlers that drops a large emerald when killed. [*]A puff of smoke appears when construction is complete. [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*]Added a screen frame to the minimap. It's now easy to see where the camera is located. [*]Multiple buildings around the mouse cursor becomes see-through. This makes it easier to spot gems on the ground. [*]When an enemy is hit by a projectile it is temporarily pushed in that direction, but it snaps back to it's original position. [*]Tutorial maps will have the word TUTORIAL on it's preview image. [/list] [h3]Coming soon[/h3] We are currently working on the first map of the world Zahar. The map will contain 6 new enemies and new terrain. Keep sending us your ideas and feedback, it allows us to grow the game in the right direction :-) Till next update, André