Update 0.08 - New features and bugfix

Gem Rifts

Ancient portals have been lying dormant, waiting for daring adventurers to travel between worlds. Your task is to lead an expedition through one of these portals, research and build defenses around it, and protect it from hostile guardian life forms.

Hi everyone, This is a quick update that adds new features and fixes a few bugs. [h3]Features[/h3] [list] [*] Unlocked Research now shows detailed descriptions when you hover over them. [*] Resource icons now have a tool tip that indicates the type of resource, e.g. wood, stone, iron, etc. [/list] [h3]Bugs[/h3] [list] [*] Improved the working of the sliders. [*] Tool tips sometimes stayed behind when shortcut buttons were used, e.g. "R" for opening the Research window. [*] The Cost Window sometimes stayed open when shortcut buttons were used, e.g. "P" for opening the Portal interface. [/list] Till next update, André