Update 0.09 - Misc

Gem Rifts

Ancient portals have been lying dormant, waiting for daring adventurers to travel between worlds. Your task is to lead an expedition through one of these portals, research and build defenses around it, and protect it from hostile guardian life forms.

Hi everyone, This is a quick update that adds some features and solves a few issues. [h3]Features Added[/h3] [list] [*] The icons on the worker toolbars now have a tooltip that describes the worker's job. [*] The following towers can now be placed on top of each other, which will demolish the existing tower and kick out it's garrison. [*] A fps (frames per second) indicator can be displayed by pressing F3. [/list] [h3]Issues Solved[/h3] [list] [*] Workers on the edge of the map sometimes stopped responding (they tried to move to positions outside the map). [/list] Till next update, André