Update 0.2.66a / Devlog 66

[h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*]Everything is underground now! [*]Cave generation [*]Monster lairs generate and connect to some caves [*]Monster lairs generate with new paradigm [*]Towns generate and connect to caves [*]Town generation based on new footpath/plot system [*]The only way to get between levels is to take sets of stairs in lairs [*]Minimap (default m) is pretty finalized (see below), and gets filled in as you explore [/list] [h3]Known Issues[/h3] [list] [*]Title screen doesn't have lair flavor [*]I have my doubts that the (relatively) new tinkering items will work, will continue to update through the week [*]Lairs won't generate patrolling mobs [*]Caves are just not that interesting, working on it [*]Mobs and items can be seen in previously discovered rooms [*]Mobs can be seen when they shouldn't be able to be seen in some occasions [*]Signs appear, can be interacted with, but do not have any signboards on them [*]Player will spawn in very naively [*]Towns are under-populated, and quest givers have disappeared [*]Town names do not appear on the minimap [/list] Finally pushed out the update, with all the wonderful features of the tech test. Since last week, I changed up the generation I was unsatisfied with, and I came up with some good stuff. I compacted a lot of the generation and brought things a little closer, because I thought it would be a bit more interesting. Fortunately, my suspicions about lairs being generated towards the edge of the map proved unfounded. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44727316/b6e63fa9da4557e225b96f14506f06990288f1b6.png[/img] [i]Pay attention in stats class, kids[/i] Another interesting thing I did was straighten out the caves. Now, you won't feel the difference from what they were previously, but take it from me, it was annoying to walk through a lot of bending caves. You can see the difference if you compare to, say, last week, but it really doesn't do it justice. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44727316/e0b13810f2b60481186c641c0aad8858002b5cac.png[/img] [i]Still somewhat curved, but more squared off caves.[/i] It's not really part of my ethos to push an update this unfinished, but it was getting time, and I think it's minimally viable. I can probably push another update soon this week with a lot of fixes for the known issues. You probably won't notice too many differences between what was and what is, and that was the intent. There is a whole bunch of stuff that changed on the back end, and I think it's a good new direction. Remember to email any questions, comments, and prayer requests you have to roguesofeuropa@protonmail.com, or just leave them in the comments below.