The Unreal 5 upgrade is here! This update moves Tabletop Playground to Unreal Engine 5, future-proofing the game and improving the foundation for further development. While most of the changes are under the hood, you will also see lots of improvements and a couple of fixes to long-standing issues that weren't possible to resolve before:
• Apple Silicon support: The game now runs much better on recent Macs by natively supporting M1/M2/M3 chips
• The UI accessible from the main menu has been updated and is now available on Mac and Linux as well
• Allow hiding floor in non-3D maps: renamed "Lighting" in session options to "Environment", moved "Set Background" button to the environment dialog and added "Hide Floor" checkbox in the same dialog
• Improved physics stability in some situations like stacking thin objects such as cards
• The tablet browser version has been updated, improving support for some websites that didn't work with the older browser version
• Text boxes now support using the Tab key to move to the next text field
• Message and input boxes can now be closed by pressing enter
• Improved validation for phase name in turn settings
• Allow much brighter lights - use with caution!
• Allow double clicking a package when starting a new game to continue to map selection
• Show notifications when trying to draw or deal cards while no suitable card holders exist
• Change "Private" checkbox to "Hidden" when uploading a package to align with terminology
• Prevent users from setting custom package path to the directory of the built-in packages (because that would cause issues with built-in packages not being available by default)
• Allow loading autosaves when starting preview mode
• Default to view aligned UI presentation for zoomed object with screen style presentation
• Added documentation for $uncaughtException
• Prevent adding too much data (more than 64kb) to an object using setSavedData
• Parts of the scripting API were not available for table scripts when starting a new game with an empty table
[b]Fixes [/b]
• The mouse cursor on Linux could get an offset after the game lost focus
• Some custom tables were imported sideways
• Pressing Enter brought up chat in main menu
• Object library and notes windows changed their size on re-opening with UI scale larger than 100%
• Stored objects with required add-on packages didn't become valid immediately after the package was added
• Some Chinese characters were not displayed correctly
• Dice roll message for single dice did not correctly include the name of the rolled dice face after the last update
• No UI interaction was possible when blindfolded in VR