February Update: In-game mod browser

The February update has landed! The main new feature is a new in-game mod browser that allows you to find, subscribe to and unsubscribe from game packages on mod.io without using the Steam browser or an external browser. As usual, there's also a number of further improvements and fixes: • Add in-game mod browser: from the main menu, a comprehensive UI allows you to browse available mods and subscribe or rate, or manage your existing subscriptions. Currently the mod browser is only available on Windows, Mac and Linux support will follow. • Move save/load state from context menu to main menu • Keep additional autosaves (for a total of 5 minutes of play time) • Don't show tooltip with description of card objects when they are face down • Automatically simplify drawn lines, improving performance and allowing more lines to be drawn • Only load templates in packages on demand. Reduces startup time and allows multiple packages with the same templates (for example a development and release version), as long as both pacakges aren't used within the same game. • Improved performance of loading save state folders, reducing small stutters when opening large lists of states (like autosaves) • Show card front in object zoom when zooming to a card in a container explorer that shows card fronts • Automatically wrap long object descriptions in tooltips • The "Zoom to ground" option (in the advanced interface settings) is now a "Ground interaction" setting. Apart from using object mode for ground objects while in regular cursor mode, it also allows you to open the context menu for ground objects. [b]Scripting[/b] • `Card.onRemoved` wasn't called in a few circumstances: when grabbing an additional card from a stack while holding cards or when dropping cards from a held stack to the table or to a card holder. [b]Fixes[/b] • FBX files were not supported on Linux • Objects with description but no name briefly showed an empty tooltip before the description became visible • Uploads to mod.io occasionally had issues on Windows • Games with lots of drawn lines (close to the drawing limit) could prevent clients from joining • Objects with scripted UI could get spawned below their container when dragged out from a container explorer window --- These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello [url=https://trello.com/b/xgNG5EMG/tabletop-playground-roadmap]HERE[/url]. Don't forget to join our community [url=https://discord.gg/tabletop-playground]Discord[/url] to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!