Update time! This time the main new feature are switchers, which allow you to create switchable objects in-game. As usual, there's also additional features, convenience improvements, and bug fixes:
• Add a new object type: Switchers allow you to switch between multiple objects. You create switchers in-game (or in preview mode) by selecting multiple objects and clicking "Create Switcher" in the context menu. The selected objects will be combined into a single object which you can switch from the context menu or using the object action hotkeys (R / Ctrl+R). The context menu also allows you to switch to a random object, or remove the switcher. You can learn more on the new [url=https://tabletop-playground.com/knowledge-base/switcher-object/]knowledge base page[/url].
• Allow object zoom in the container explorer
• Add new button in card and multistate object details in the editor to quickly add all remaining cards or states from the image sheet
• Add ability to cycle through previously written messages by using the up and down keys in the chat window (similar to the command history in the JavaScript console)
• Allow changing size of cards in stack explorer using two new buttons
• Save whether to show names in container explorer for session
• Support Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters in text fields
• Add a new class `Switcher` and two methods `GameObject.createSwitcher` and `GameObject.getSwitcher` to allow interacting with switchers from scripts
• Add anchor properties for `ScreenUIElement`, similar to the properties in `UIElement`
• Add `Widget.setVisible` and `Widget.isVisible`
• Add `TextWidgetBase.getFontFileName` and `TextWidgetBase.getFontPackageId`
• Ensure that an empty `exports` object always exists to avoid issues with transpiled TypeScript
• Allow passing `undefined` to `Border.setChild` and `LayoutBox.setChild` in order to remove the current child widget
• After shuffling a card stack, an additional card could remain visible in rare cases
• Don't allow changing size of cards in holders
• Dropping cards in the on-screen hand with the screen mode cursor required an additional click
These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello [url=https://trello.com/b/xgNG5EMG/tabletop-playground-roadmap]HERE[/url].
Don't forget to join our community [url=https://discord.gg/tabletop-playground]Discord[/url] to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!