August Update: Labels and in-game browser

The August update is out now! With text labels and an in-game web browser, two big new features are available. But it doesn't stop there: a lot of additional UI and usability improvements, more VR settings, scripting features, and bug fixes are all part of the package. • Moved to a new version. It brings faster download and progress updates while installing games, with more features to come in future updates! Your mods will be re-downloaded once the first time you start the game after this update. The old download folder is removed automatically. • You can now place text labels. Labels can have different colors and sizes as well as custom fonts. They don't get blurry at larger sizes or zoom levels. Apart from a fixed text, you can also set labels to show the name of the player in a selected slot. Press K to toggle label mode. • A new UI element for cursor modes is available in the upper left corner. It allows you to see your current mode and quickly switch to other cursor modes without memorizing the hotkeys. • There is now a tablet object available among the "General" objects. It allows you to browse the web while playing, the active website URL is synchronized with all players. • Drawing now supports glowing lines: a new checkbox in the drawing dialog allows you to turn up the emissive value of your lines to make them glow • Add new permission for editing labels • Changed emissive map format to be easier to use: now the red color channel simply makes the color at that point emissive, the larger the red value is the more emissive the part of the model becomes. Fully red will make most colors glow. The other channels in the emissive map are not used for now. • Add a new option for measuring angles (in measure move mode, selected in session options): you can measure the rotation of the movement compared to a straight line as before, or the rotation of the object. • Angle measurements are now logged together with distance measurements in measure move mode • Multistate objects have a new option in the editor: Circular. When checked, the states loop around so you can go forward from the last state to get back to the first state and vice versa. • Add a new option in the video settings to use low resolution textures. This can be useful to allow old systems to run large games that may not run properly with full texture resolution. • Add support for TGA textures. TGA files are generally larger than PNG, but they can be useful when using an alpha channel as a mask (in the extra map/mask map) because some graphics tools don't save colors properly in PNGs when the alpha channel is zero. • Use natural sorting in all places where names are ordered (filenames, templates, tags). With natural sorting, numbers in the names are sorted by magnitude and not alphabetically (so 10 comes after 2). • The drag selection box for the screen cursor is now much more accurate and doesn't glitch for objects behind the camera • When dice faces are named with a number, use that number instead of the index of the face when deciding how to rotate the dice when a player uses a number action (by pressing a number key while highlighting or holding dice) • When angle measurement is on, include measured angle in measure move message • Move measurement number to the cursor (from the middle of the measured line) • The container explorer now remembers if it was switched to showing card fronts in the same session • Add new option in advanced interface settings for lowering the drag selection box. Hold Ctrl and use the mouse wheel while drag-selecting to change the setting quickly. Dragging new zones is also affected by the setting, and the value can be changed creating a zone. • Use sliders instead of text boxes for cell width and height when creating a snap grid • Hold invert key to rotate objects very slowly instead of the regular speed • Don't allow changing background in 3D maps because it doesn't have an effect [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34996091/49aa9530ae8be335dbbe15dee5db7f36056bac3e.png[/img] [b]VR[/b] • Add new cursor mode buttons to standard UI menu that opens when you press the menu button without highlighting an object • New setting: motion controller dead zone • New setting: height offset allows you to raise or lower your viewpoint by a constant offset when not flying [b]Scripting[/b] • Add new class `Label` to control in-game text labels • Add `GameWorld.createLabel`, `GameWorld.getLabelById`, and `GameWorld.getAllLabels` • Add `WebBrowser` widget to create web browser UIs • Add `DrawingLine.emissive` to allow creating glowing lines from scripts • Add `Canvas.getChildren` • Add `Card.canAddCards` • `Canvas.updateChild`, `Canvas.removeChild`, and `Panel.removeChild` now work immediately after adding the child widget. Previously, these methods only worked after the widget had been built a few ticks later. • Dice faces can now get metadata assigned in the editor. Add `Dice.getCurrentFaceMetadata` and `Dice.getallFaceMetadata` • Ensure that players see the correct UIs when they switch slots after player restricted UIs have been created • Add `CardHolder.isCardFaceUp` and `CardHolder.isCardUpsideDown` • Fix: Playing a sound for the host player played it for all players • Fix: In some circumstances, scripting UIs on objects could remain after reloading, leading to duplicate UIs which could cause input issues [b]Fixes[/b] • Joining games through the Steam friend list did not work for all players • Resizing the whole object in the editor did not work properly for Multistate objects • In screen cursor mode, moving the mouse quickly while rotating the zoomed object could end the zoom • Flip back the order of cards in the editor UI • Fix issue with dragging objects in screen cursor mode after using Escape key to close "Edit Template" screen in preview mode • Fix graphical glitches in the cyberpunk environment • Fix lighting for thumbnails and zoomed objects in 3D environments • Zoomed cards would sometimes flicker • Reduce force with which dice are thrown apart when rolling multiple dice at once • Import file dialog did not always remember previous directory • Drag selection with 3D cursor could select ground objects with drawings on them while cursor was in regular mode • Reworked "Friendship" achievement trigger to be more robust - it did not work for all players --- These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello [url=]HERE[/url]. Don't forget to join our community [url=]Discord[/url] to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!