October Update: Grids and custom lighting

The October update brings several new features: grids, custom lighting, and 2D scripted UIs are now available! • The session options now contain a new "Grid" button where you can set options for a global snap grid: it can be hexagonal or rectangular with adjustable size, offset, and rotation as well as different visibility and snap settings. • The session options now contain a new "Lighting" button. Here you can set the color, intensity, specular intensity, and direction of the main light. The settings are stored in the game state. • When arranging objects from the coordinates or by pressing a number button while holding a group of objects, try to keep their current arrangement as intact as possible • Split horizontal and vertical camera sensitivity options [b]Scripting[/b] • Add new functionality to create on-screen UIs, with methods like `GameWorld.addScreenUI` and a new class `ScreenUIElement`. On-screen UIs are not visible for VR players. • Add `Player.isUsingVR` to detect whether a player is using a VR headset • Add several methods to `GameWorld` to set and read ligthing options (for example `GameWorld.setMainLightIntensity*) • Add new `GlobalGrid` object to read and modify snap grid properties. Accessed through `GameWorld.grid`. • Add new `GlobalGrid` object to read and modify snap grid properties. Accessed through `GameWorld.grid`. • Add `GameObject.onSnappedToGrid` • Add `SelectionBox.removeOption`, `SelectionBox.setOptions`, and `SelectionBox.getOptions` • Fix crash in `SelectionBox.getSelectedOption` when no options exist [b]Fixes[/b] • Updated to a new mod.io version that fixes a mod extraction error on Mac • Fixed a memory leak from filled containers that caused RAM consumption to slowly rise over time • Fixed lighting for .obj models with no textures and no normals • Labels could have clipping artefacts on clients • When using the object properties window for multiple selected objects, object name and description would always be applied to all objects [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34996091/77001a42ed880e5772016828197da04d8a786d78.png[/img] These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello [url=https://trello.com/b/xgNG5EMG/tabletop-playground-roadmap]HERE[/url]. Don't forget to join our community [url=https://discord.gg/tabletop-playground]Discord[/url] to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!