The October update brings several new features: grids, custom lighting, and 2D scripted UIs are now available!
• The session options now contain a new "Grid" button where you can set options for a global snap grid: it can be hexagonal or rectangular with adjustable size, offset, and rotation as well as different visibility and snap settings.
• The session options now contain a new "Lighting" button. Here you can set the color, intensity, specular intensity, and direction of the main light. The settings are stored in the game state.
• When arranging objects from the coordinates or by pressing a number button while holding a group of objects, try to keep their current arrangement as intact as possible
• Split horizontal and vertical camera sensitivity options
• Add new functionality to create on-screen UIs, with methods like `GameWorld.addScreenUI` and a new class `ScreenUIElement`. On-screen UIs are not visible for VR players.
• Add `Player.isUsingVR` to detect whether a player is using a VR headset
• Add several methods to `GameWorld` to set and read ligthing options (for example `GameWorld.setMainLightIntensity*)
• Add new `GlobalGrid` object to read and modify snap grid properties. Accessed through `GameWorld.grid`.
• Add new `GlobalGrid` object to read and modify snap grid properties. Accessed through `GameWorld.grid`.
• Add `GameObject.onSnappedToGrid`
• Add `SelectionBox.removeOption`, `SelectionBox.setOptions`, and `SelectionBox.getOptions`
• Fix crash in `SelectionBox.getSelectedOption` when no options exist
• Updated to a new version that fixes a mod extraction error on Mac
• Fixed a memory leak from filled containers that caused RAM consumption to slowly rise over time
• Fixed lighting for .obj models with no textures and no normals
• Labels could have clipping artefacts on clients
• When using the object properties window for multiple selected objects, object name and description would always be applied to all objects
These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello [url=]HERE[/url].
Don't forget to join our community [url=]Discord[/url] to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!