This update brings a new turn system and adds whisper tabs to the chat, alongside the usual fixes and scripting improvements:
• The new turn system allows you to create phases to keep track of the state of your game and restrict interactions to players whose turn it is. Find out more about rounds, phases, and turns in the knowledge base:
• The chat now supports whisper tabs: When you send a whisper message to another player or receive a whisper message, a new chat tab will open. You can have your private conversation in that chat. This keeps all messages with a player together and doesn't require you to use the `/w` command to whisper. The old behavior with both public and private messages in the main chat tab is still supported, you can disable tabs in the advanced interface options.
• Show template names in dialog for copying from other package
• Add new `TurnSystem` class accessible through `GameWorld.turns` that enables access to the turn system
• Add `GameWorld.addCustomAction` and `GameWorld.removeCustomAction` to manipulate actions in the global context menu (right click menu when not clicking on an object)
• Add new parameter `identifier` to `GameObject.addCustomAction`, allowing to separate the visible name of the action from how it is identified in the code
• Add `DrawingLine.players` to allow restricting line visibility to certain players or teams
• Fix: node_modules folder was missing after last update
• Installed packages from were not available when offline
• In rare cases the game could crash when removing an item from a container
These new updates we've added are just some of the many features on our early access development roadmap for Tabletop Playground, which you can check out on our Trello [url=]HERE[/url].
Don't forget to join our community [url=]Discord[/url] to chat with the dev team and give us your suggestions for new features for the game!