April Hotfix!


Griftlands is a deck-building roguelite where you negotiate, fight, steal or otherwise persuade others to get your way. Every decision is important, be it the jobs you take, the friends you make, or the cards you collect.

Hey Grifters, This hotfix brings the cumulative fixes from the experimental branch to the main release branch as of April 7th. We're reading feedback, fixing bugs, and working on ports in preparation for our upcoming 1.0 release. The date for that isn't settled yet, but we should be able to tell you all the details next month. The OSX build of Griftlands will be releasing next week, on April 15th. Linux will follow sometime later in May. Thanks to everyone who's been playing and providing feedback! It really helps us to improve the quality of the game! [b]UI[/b] [list] [*] Gamepad: Fix incorrect layout for convo option when entering Boss Rush Daily Challenge. The 'scroll_override' being applied in ConversationScreen:OnGainTop was being applied even though new elements were added since OnLoseTop was called, causing the saved scroll point to be invalid. LayoutBubbles itself should not scroll-to-end, only relevant functions which call it LayoutBubbles. [*] Fix for re-using a map plax slot that has been taken by another location since a location was last shown. [*] When upgrading items, the upgraded card should show the same charges as the base card. [*] Fix negotiation text bubbles from stacking if NegotiationPanel:Dialog was used, as it is with whispered_rumours. [*] Improve controller navigation between new game screens, and improve overall flow [*] Fix focus issue after unlocking a perk and returning to loadscreen. [*] compendium: disable Rstick scrolling [*] compendium: Snap focus-scroll in scrollpanels [*] compendium: Fix scroll-up animation [*] Fix negotiation quips sometimes scrolling to the middle where they are occluded. [*] Fix Sal brawl unlocked string. [*] Fix missing FadeIn after awarding an unlock in convo. [*] Don't count the initial unlocked Outfit towards total progress% in the NewGameScreen. [*] Prune card tooltip UI from FlourishScreen to reduce occlusion. [*] DayOverScreen: (A) now continues after the animation completes, instead of (B) [*] DayOverScreen: Scissor the PeopleListBlockAgent widget so that nav focus works (otherwise the widget has a giant bounding DayOverScreen: box which messes up nav) [*] DayOverScreen: Permit right-click on graft and people to open their Inspection screens. [*] DayOverScreen: On gamepad, bind inspection to people, cards, and grafts to the standard (RT) [*] DayOverScreen: Fix left-clicking anywhere on the screen triggering OnClickContinue. [*] DayOverScreen: Restore your last focused widget when returning from an inspection screen [*] DayOverScreen: Fix Clickable eating MENU_ACCEPT inputs if a right-click callback was assigned, but not a left-click callback. [*] DayOverScreen: Fix card layout not rotating cards if there is just a single card. [*] Gamepad: Fix right-analog scrolling controlling both sidebar and cardgrid scroll panels while in the Cards compendium. [*] Clean up focus handling in compendium navigation [*] Preserve sort order when upgrading cards in the DeckScreen. [*] screens can restrict reticule bounds (used by the location and travel screens to keep the reticule out of the menu) [*] Gamepad: Add binding to delete focussed save slot. [*] Hide notification button in gamepad/touch mode. [*] Gamepad: While in Big/Bigger mode, inspecting fighters/arguments will lower the cards in hand for better visibility. [*] Suppress tooltips showing referenced cards while in Big / Bigger UI mode, as they can occlude the UI. [*] Fade transition when continuing a game from the NewGameScreen. [*] Fix sliders in the option screen not sinking left/right inputs. [*] Fix card prepared status being cached in PreReq, which is a no-no because that is called from the UI. [*] Suppress card tooltips on focus in CardListBlocks (choose flourish, etc.) [*] Fade out when beginning a standard campaign. Load during the blackout. [*] Fade out when beginning a daily. Load during the blackout. [*] restore (A) Select in the CardCompendium to be consistent with the other tabs. [/list] [b]GAMEPLAY[/b] [list] [*] Be the Heavy: Remove superfluous end option after intimidation negotiation [*] Rare Imports: fix 'mugged_yet' quest parameter not being saved in the right place, allowing the confront to repeat upon saving and returning. [*] Suppress all brawl rewards after the final boss. [*] Fix bad credit not applying to Moreef's rare wares. [*] [/list] [b]CARDS[/b] [list] [*] Juicer: Highlight should occur when you have recoverable health, not adrenaline [*] Legacy Blade: Fix potential crash if it is played without a valid target [*] Fix Shredded not diminishing bleed damage if discarded by an effect. [*] Fix text on Regimented. [*] Spare Magazine: Fix superfluous text [*] Boulder Stance: don't trigger when playing toolbox cards. [*] On Your Toes: Fix typo [*] Fixed bug where "shunned" lasted the entire negotiation instead of just the first turn [*] Fix card text on Boosted Final Favor [*] Fix description on Boosted Powder Keg [*] Fixed incorrect value in desc of Visionary Rubble [*] Beast of the Bog: use condition name instead of unlocalized text [*] Distresser is now a Sal-only graft. [/list] [b]MISC[/b] [list] [*] Save profile less often, to reduce redundant saves at startup [*] do frustum culling per-node in UI mode, to improve performance [/list]