Turbo Hot Fix + New Achievements

Dyztopia: Post-Human RPG

It's a game about quitting your job

Changelog -Hard Battle Lab now correctly loops. -Both Battle Labs now loop properly when you select "suspend" after completing them. -Attack+ nerfed -Menace Aura now works properly -ESP Slam now has a damage cap for enemies. -Verdant Reaper now has Flash, so long as Sprout triggered this turn. -Vine Trap now hits all foes if the target has Sprout -Blood Berry gains Surge -Pisces New Intro -Hard Battle Lab fights rebalanced. -New Achievements Hey! Just a quick update. I added nine new achievements (ten, if you count the one that dropped with Turbo) and fixed some bugs with the Battle Lab. That's all for now. I hope you have a great rest of the week!