Dyztopia: Turbo Update

I'm here to announce an update to Dyztopia called Turbo! With the new update, players can now dash across the fields of Pon Pon or the bustling city of Vulcanite just by pressing shift. The speed is much, much faster than the average Dyztopia speed. It's hard to go back to older versions after this. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374882/f2dcea57fd177d976fc4b9fdaa3f49f18f5925b1.gif[/img] But that's not all. By holding down shift while descending a ladder, you can also Ladder Drop and speed down to the bottom. This, combined with Dashing, means that Akira will fly through stages like never before. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374882/de779879478ae9791606e27b1a1208ce740cdd0b.gif[/img] BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! Included in Turbo, you can now skip cutscenes. By holding down the Cancel button when it prompts you to do so, you can skip almost all cutscenes in the game. This includes significant story events and Syncs as well. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374882/a8ddf3bfd321deb474be87c31dbe651f7d169f33.gif[/img] Included are also many Quality of Life features, such as a backlog and rebalanced gameplay. So when can you play Dyztopia Turbo? Well, Deviations came out a few months after the initial release, so by that approximation, [b]it will be available RIGHT NOW! [/b] Load up your old Deviations file or start a new file. The game is ready to go Turbo. Here's a list of other changes in the update. -Refresh Passive now requires more Awakening Stones and Level 25 -Surge only triggers at Maximum MP instead of Above 4 -Healing Skills have a rolling Cooldown. The more you heal, the longer all healing cooldown will be. These reset every battle, and healing skills will go off cooldown at the start of every battle. -Panic Ploy now works properly -Panic Ploy level 2 changed from Flips Hard Buffs to +1 Turn -Lunch Break now heals significantly more -Taco 4-pack heals less -Wave Slash and Paraselene have reduced damage at lower and higher damage at higher levels. Wave Slash can now go above 1000 damage. -Fixed Morgalia's House cutscene not working properly -Fixed the bad ending not being able to end. -The Ski section is now just open. No need for a key -Exhaust now three turns. Nothing makes you immune to Exhaust anymore. (Can still be cured.) -Exhaust now takes you out of Sync. -Bolt Punch is now 1 MP. Gains Flash when you have 3+ actions. -After taking too many actions, your damage is greatly reduced. (Runi Nerf) -Quick Fix gives Exhaust at the end of the turn instead of right after. -A new animation plays when an Enemy resists an element -You lose Hype when hitting an Enemy resistance, and the enemy does too. -Multi-Elemental moves now use the average of the elements instead of the higher of the two. Previously, Multi-Elemental moves bypassed the elemental system, which made them like Type less moves but better. Now they're more in line with other moves. -Aqua Bolas damage increase -Aqua Spinner no longer makes Aqua Bolas AoE. Now adds damage. Please enjoy the game! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! Gmail: officialdyztopiagame@gmail.com [url=https://twitter.com/Dyztopia1]Twitter[/url]