Dyztopia Finale

Dyztopia: Post-Human RPG

It's a game about quitting your job

[h1]New Features:[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374882/eb998765f93341fbafac666218a278d37926468e.png[/img] [list] [*] Dyztopia is Steam Deck Compatible! [*] New Super Boss: Detritus 7. [*] New areas in Stages 4, Stage 6, and Stage 7. [*] Fredek can now appear in Stage 6 (His link level must be higher than Genesis). [*] Characters that aren’t Akira get a fourth Upgrade skill. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374882/9d7e9ba9e62f222edeb34f8b48ce2ccbfebb0fa2.png[/img] [*] New Costumes for Rogue, Detritus, and Fredek. The whole cast has costumes! [*] New Skills for Runi, Lunez, Edgar, Detritus, Eliza, Fredek, and Rogue. [*] New Boss Moves for Aphos, Twelve, Zazz, and Exca. [*] Healies REMOVED and Save Ducks revamped. They now have a cost associated with them. [*] New Icons for Ailments, Shields, and Negative Status Effects. [*] Obtain Moosh Plushies for Akira’s Room! [*] Love Sho has a lot of new segments. No one is going to back down from the show anymore. [*] Balance Changes: [/list] [h1]Balance Changes:[/h1] [list] [*] Snipe, Card Skills, Blood Berry, and Shadow Drop now have a new function: They inflict their Ailments on a Critical Hit instead of a Luck Test. [*] Vanguard breaks shields on Critical Hit [*] Runi: New Skill / Twin Cast - Costs 4MP and 3 Hype - Your next ESP Hail, ESP Fire, ESP Thunder, or Psyblast doubles the total hits. Can be upgraded. [*] Runi: Twin Harmonic - No longer decreases Psy Echo’s Cooldown [*] Runi: Mind Spring Circlet - No longer gives Exhaust Immunity. [*] Edgar: New Skill / Medimagnet - Costs 2 MP - Heals the target for 750HP and any additional ally with Lightning Shield. Can be upgraded. //Because of the removal of Healies, this replaces Lunch Break. [*] Lunez: New Skill / Death Row - Costs 1MP - When activated, Two-Faced will be disabled (all skills can go on cooldown) and your ATK and INT stats will be cut, but Gaia Raid will score Triple Hits. Upgrades to this skill will add Bog Bash and Poison Wave to the list of spells [*] Detritus: New Skill/ Gloomspear - Costs 10% HP, 1MP, and 1 Hype: Attacks 1-3 times against the target. Has Flash if Detritus is guarding. Upgradeable. [*] Detritus: Riposte - Now removes Guard before the damage. [*] Fredek: New Skill/ Pyro Panic - 4 MP - Deals damage to all foes. Damage is based on Panic Attack upgrade level, and flips buffs. This is Fredek’s new sync skill, replacing Char. [*] Eliza: New Skill/Inellviate - 3 MP - Heals all allies for a small amount on cast, then heal a massive amount at the beginning of the next turn. This effect can revive allies if they are affected by the initial healing. Upgradeable. [*] Rogue: New Skill/Starbreaker - 2 MP, 1 Hype Deals high damage to one target and removes all shields even boss shields. Upgradeable [*] The Exca fight has been completely reworked. He now offers you to play a game with him. He’ll gain points the more the gains hype and if you end your turn with any dead allies. The more points he has, the stronger he becomes. [*] The Aphos fight has had some reworks in place. The biggest change is his two new moves and the fact that he has three weaknesses now (kind of). He’ll try to use Tri-Shield, one of his new moves, to make him ABSORB his weaknesses, so for the most part, he’ll retain his “no weakness” status. He also has Chemical Warfare to help spread Ailments and try to kill the party slowly with damage over time states. His old move, Extended Warranty now counts as a Negative status and thus can be healed. [*] Rosie’s Costume has been taken out of the shop, and Fredek’s costume is in its place. For Rosie and Rogue, you can obtain their costumes for free in their respective rooms. Detritus’s costume is uniquely an accessory and is obtained as a reward for defeating the Hard Battle Lab. [/list] [i]Dev Note: This is the last content update for Dyztopia! I hope you enjoy it! I am not leaving the game by any means. I intend to keep up with bugs and typos, and in extreme cases balance changes as well. I did say last year I was working on the sequel and it's only gotten a bit of my attention while I kept updating Dyztopia 1, so now Dyztopia 2 will have my full focus. It's been a great journey, and thank you for being a part of it. [/i]