"Try to Fall Asleep" Community Update #9 - Kickstarter Update & Patch 0.4.1M

Try To Fall Asleep

John Herrin survived a horrible accident, damaging his brain and memory. Through falling asleep, he can rediscover his unfortunate past in his dreams, but due to his brain damage he'll start to see visions and hallucinations, and falling asleep won't be as easy as it seems at first...

Good evening everyone, We got a new Community Update video! Check it out to learn more about our upcoming crowdfunding campaign and the recently released patch 0.4.1M! https://youtu.be/3rnk-fq4MTM [h3]TL;DR [/h3] [list] [*] The crowdfunding campaign will be hosted on Kickstarter. [*] The campaign itself is almost ready, but still needs to get through some verification and finalization processes. [*] Announcement for the pre-launch page is coming very soon. [/list] GN, AmberDrop