John Herrin survived a horrible accident, damaging his brain and memory. Through falling asleep, he can rediscover his unfortunate past in his dreams, but due to his brain damage he'll start to see visions and hallucinations, and falling asleep won't be as easy as it seems at first...
Good evening everyone!
Tonight we have some exciting news to share with you - the Kickstarter pre-launch page for "Try to Fall Asleep" is now live!
Visit the page here - [url=][/url]
The Kickstarter funding will allow us to stay true to the quality established in the first four nights and it'll help to deliver a truly awesome game for the full release with the last 2 nights. Stretch goals will open even more possibilities, like porting the game to other platforms, further increase the quality of game and localize the game's subtitles in other languages. Since we'll be finishing the game without a publisher, this'll be our last chance to raise some needed funding for the game's completion.
Also, does anyone know who this LUC1D guy is? He's been interrupting our past videos. Looks like he has acquired some kind of an interesting video tape from REVIVEL. Maybe we should check out this guy and see what he has to offer...
> [url=]LUC1D's YouTube Channel[/url] <
Anyways, thank you for your time! If you can, please help us spread the word about our work. It would mean a lot to us :))
AD team