Try Formula TSU for more serious racing

Turbo Sliders Unlimited

Driving game with heavy focus on online MP, user created content and moddability. Spiritual successor of classic top-down racing games but in 3D and with modern online features. Suitable either for casual fun or for serious competition, racing or beyond.

Turbo Sliders Unlimited has countless different game modes. In addition to all kinds of arcade craziness, it is possible race more seriously, too. This video demonstrates a 20-player 6-lap online team race using Formula TSU and track Circuit de Americas by Liskomies, both available in the Steam Workshop. Most formula tracks that are available in the Steam Workshop now also have global leaderboards for Formula TSU. Event features enabled: teams, drafting, tire wear, fuel and pit stops Physics: added extra collision steadiness, collision balance and stuck avoidance [previewyoutube=yZNu4hB7otM;full][/previewyoutube]