It's rocket science!

Turbo Sliders Unlimited

Driving game with heavy focus on online MP, user created content and moddability. Spiritual successor of classic top-down racing games but in 3D and with modern online features. Suitable either for casual fun or for serious competition, racing or beyond.

Even though there already were lots of existing game modes in Turbo Sliders Unlimited, the latest major new feature, missile support, literally explodes the possibilities! Missiles can optionally be enabled in all existing game modes, and there are lots of related settings to tune, e.g. damage, impulse, blast radius and reload time. As an example, here is one crazier way to use them in a regular race: no-damage, high-impulse missiles with respawning disabled: [previewyoutube=dWqxNnHPcAM;full][/previewyoutube]