Celebrating the First Anniversary

Turbo Sliders Unlimited

Driving game with heavy focus on online MP, user created content and moddability. Spiritual successor of classic top-down racing games but in 3D and with modern online features. Suitable either for casual fun or for serious competition, racing or beyond.

Turbo Sliders Unlimited was released to early access one year ago and over 10 major updates have already been released after that. Among the new game modes and features added are e.g. team games, soccer game mode, stats charts, drafting, spectator cameras, tag game mode, racing with fuel, single-player time trial campaign, and lots of new content. But that just a beginning - many more features and game modes are still planned to be added! What's the best thing about the game is its most amazing and devoted community! Players are constantly creating new levels, cars and game modes and organizing different kinds of events. Come to [url=https://discord.gg/QCHEsuwQwT]Discord[/url] to meet with other players, give feedback and take part in the future events! To celebrate the first year, the First Anniversary Trailer below tries to capture some of the numerous game modes in less than a minute. But one minute is not nearly enough for everything... [previewyoutube=ouKwFSQ0dbw;full][/previewyoutube]