New super-fun game mode: Capture the Flag battle

Turbo Sliders Unlimited

Driving game with heavy focus on online MP, user created content and moddability. Spiritual successor of classic top-down racing games but in 3D and with modern online features. Suitable either for casual fun or for serious competition, racing or beyond.

Meet the latest and super-fun addition of the long list of Turbo Sliders Unlimited game modes: Capture the Flag battle. In it, your team wins by capturing and safely bringing home an enemy flag. Alternatively, you can of course just do it in the old-fashioned way, too, and wreck all enemies. There are already many user-made Capture the Flag levels available in the Steam Workshop and they have proven to be great fun. This video shows an example of a 10 vs 10 online Capture the Flag battle event in the example level Flaggerblast. [previewyoutube=H6MSFUpL4Vo;full][/previewyoutube]