Thymesia's Demo Ends Today!

Hell Let Loose

Join the ever expanding experience of Hell Let Loose - a hardcore World War Two first person shooter with epic battles of 100 players with infantry, tanks, artillery, a dynamically shifting front line and a unique resource based RTS-inspired meta-game.

[h3]Thank you for playing! [/h3] Hi everyone! Thank you for participating in Thymesia's demo! The demo is a modified version of the tutorial level. The purpose is to let you practice the basic combat system, so you cannot level up in the demo and iteratively advance your abilities. In the tutorial, you only have to defeat the greatsword elite to progress. The halberd elite and Varg are there for players who want to challenge themselves. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t beat them. When you meet them in the game, Corvus has already levelled up, so it will be much easier. We understand the feedback we've received on restricting Corvus' combat mechanics early on, but rest assured — you'll be able to spend Skill Points in the Talent Tree very quickly. Important enhancements to dodge, deflect etc — can be made early on in the game. In the meantime, we’re so happy to receive so much feedback from all over the world. Please keep it coming. We are listening, and we will keep improving the game! [h3]Video content [/h3] The following videos show a few mechanics at an advanced level (which you'll achieve quickly) and a fight with an 'elite' enemy. Next up, we'll be talking about the Feathers mechanic; stay tuned for more on that! [previewyoutube=E2rQF8K5f3s;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=_AvaGWcSkpU;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=Q0IG0OhObAE;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Thymesia releases August 9th on Steam [/h3]